The Movie A Silent Voice: The Movie falls under the Animation, Drama genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Naoko Yamada, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.
The Movie A Silent Voice: The Movie is being produce with the collaboration of the studio Kyoto Animation, ABC Animation, Kodansha, Pony Canyon, Quaras, Shochiku,
A Silent Voice: The Movie was released on 2017-10-20 and the total runtime of the Movie is going to be 129 minutes and the status of the Movie is Released.
The Movie A Silent Voice: The Movie was released on 2017-10-20, and has a total runtime of 129 minutes. The Movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Animation, Drama, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Naoko Yamada, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie can be watched at Not available on OTT right now..
Title | Description |
Movie Name | A Silent Voice: The Movie |
Offical Language | Japanese |
Release Date | 2017-10-20 |
Release Status | Released |
OTT Platform | Not available on OTT right now. |
OTT Release Date | No information available on OTT Release date. |
Hit or Flop | Hit |
Director | Naoko Yamada |
Producer | Not Available, |
Writer | 中村伸一, 名倉靖, 奥出修平, 細川直生, 丸山康司, 秋竹斉一, 山砥愛瑛, 山田諒子, 板倉佐賀子, 山本倫, 岡田ゆみ, 小山真和, 西口早智子, 渡邊美希子, 野口真由美, 池田一樹, 大西達朗, 田峰育子, 平床美幸, 이천복, 落合翔子, 笠井信吾, 平石朋基, 長谷百香, 木下晋輔, 大石望未, 石島朋佳, 長谷川徹, 一山沙也香, 加藤綾乃, 梅津哲郎, 中上竜太, 柴田裕司, 阿部江津子, 北井真理江, 김지희, 리미진, 박정아, 武本康弘, 藤田春香, 永安真由美, 北城浩志, 石原立也, 西川昌志, 沖中進, 八田英明, 加藤雅己, 吉羽治, 吉村隆, 高橋敏弘, 田中淑子, 浦彰宏, 船本孝平, 松本輝, 植田弘貴, 山田尚子, 山村卓也, 木上益治, 金沢直樹, 小久保篤, 野々上翠, 竹内友紀子, 大橋郁奈, 阪井利早, 田中敦子, 浜田奈津美, 上野和樹, 西野麻子, 斉藤ひとみ, 後藤博紀, 三輪靖史, 長田まり子, 大西寿典, 向井紘一郎, 山口真由美, 板井昭浩, 瀨森由貴, 山田尚子, 北之原孝將, 横田圭佑, 韓アルム, 吉田玲子, 鶴岡陽太, 高尾一也, 篠原睦雄, 石田奈央美, Pete Townshend, aiko, aiko, 八田真一郎, 松木智香, 藤田貴久, 安田早希, 小川崚蒔, 佐藤陽太郎, 大今良時, 大橋永晴, 飯塚寿雄, 三浦理奈, 牛尾憲輔, 大今良時, 西屋太志, Roger Daltrey, 倉橋裕宗, 中村伸一, 植月幹夫, 立石謙介, Pete Townshend, John Entwistle, 重村建吾, Keith Moon, 佐藤達也, 高瀬 亜貴子, 木上益治, 日高綾美, 浦田芳憲, 奥野葵, 森崎志保, 白川涼介, 羽根邦広, 藤田紗英子, 渡邊紗也加, 安藤京平, 佐藤達也, 石立太一, 池田晶子, 高橋博行, 門脇未来, 岡村公平, 西屋太志, 熊野誠也, 河浪栄作, 牟田亮平, 明見裕子, 吉村知子, 冨板紀宏, 澤田早絵, 澤真平, 長原圭太, 植野千世子, 石立太一, 石立太一, 大野由里加, 山村卓也, 丸木宣明, 北之原孝將, 栗木亜美, 高橋真梨子, 鈴木沙奈, 池田和美, 角田有希, 岩崎菜美, 森本千那津, 北地美帆, 角田有希, 斎藤敦史, 西屋太志, 丸子達就, 山村卓也, 佐藤宏太, 柏木平, 河浪栄作, 丸木宣明, 浅間英裕, 宮城良, 岡村公平, 長浜彩夏, 黒田千温, 引山佳代, 唐田洋, 明見裕子, 植野千世子, 大倉佳苗, 中山直哉, 岡野文恵, 秋竹斉一, 羽土真衣子, 小川太一, 山口平, 北之原孝將, 太田稔, 瀬崎利恵, 鵜ノ口穣二, |
Budget | $ 500,000 |
Collection / Revenue | $ 30,819,442 |
Country | Japan |
Production Companyies | A Silent Voice: The Movie Kyoto Animation, ABC Animation, Kodansha, Pony Canyon, Quaras, Shochiku, |
Movie Genre | Animation, Drama |
Shouya Ishida starts bullying the new girl in class, Shouko Nishimiya, because she is deaf. But as the teasing continues, the rest of the class starts to turn on Shouya for his lack of compassion. When they leave elementary school, Shouko and Shouya do not speak to each other again... until an older, wiser Shouya, tormented by his past behaviour, decides he must see Shouko once more. He wants to atone for his sins, but is it already too late...?
A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Miyu Irino, Saori Hayami, Aoi Yuki, Kensho Ono, Yuki Kaneko and it was directed by Naoko Yamada and produce by Not Available, it has a rating of 8.382 / 10 with total votes count to 3992 and it is a Hit Movie.
A Silent Voice: The Movie was co - produce by the studio Kyoto Animation, ABC Animation, Kodansha, Pony Canyon, Quaras, Shochiku, and produce by Not Available, , with a budget of $ 500,000 and a total collection of $ 30,819,442 and it is a Hit Movie.
A Silent Voice: The Movie has a budget of $ 500,000 and a total collection of $ 30,819,442 and it was co - produce by the studio Kyoto Animation, ABC Animation, Kodansha, Pony Canyon, Quaras, Shochiku, conclusion, A Silent Voice: The Movieis a captivating film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through life, love, and the unexpected twists that shape human relationships. With its engaging storyline, strong performances, and impressive production, this movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking films. It beautifully highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.
Who is the director of the A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie?
A Silent Voice: The Movie was directrd by Naoko Yamada.
Who is the producer of the A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie?
A Silent Voice: The Movie was directrd by Not Available, .
What is the genre of the A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie?
A Silent Voice: The Movie falls into the genre of Animation, Drama .
What is the release date of the A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie?
A Silent Voice: The Movie was released on 2017-10-20.
What is the running time or duration of the A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie?
A Silent Voice: The Movie has a running time of 129 minutes.
Who wrote A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie?
A Silent Voice: The Movie is written by 中村伸一, 名倉靖, 奥出修平, 細川直生, 丸山康司, 秋竹斉一, 山砥愛瑛, 山田諒子, 板倉佐賀子, 山本倫, 岡田ゆみ, 小山真和, 西口早智子, 渡邊美希子, 野口真由美, 池田一樹, 大西達朗, 田峰育子, 平床美幸, 이천복, 落合翔子, 笠井信吾, 平石朋基, 長谷百香, 木下晋輔, 大石望未, 石島朋佳, 長谷川徹, 一山沙也香, 加藤綾乃, 梅津哲郎, 中上竜太, 柴田裕司, 阿部江津子, 北井真理江, 김지희, 리미진, 박정아, 武本康弘, 藤田春香, 永安真由美, 北城浩志, 石原立也, 西川昌志, 沖中進, 八田英明, 加藤雅己, 吉羽治, 吉村隆, 高橋敏弘, 田中淑子, 浦彰宏, 船本孝平, 松本輝, 植田弘貴, 山田尚子, 山村卓也, 木上益治, 金沢直樹, 小久保篤, 野々上翠, 竹内友紀子, 大橋郁奈, 阪井利早, 田中敦子, 浜田奈津美, 上野和樹, 西野麻子, 斉藤ひとみ, 後藤博紀, 三輪靖史, 長田まり子, 大西寿典, 向井紘一郎, 山口真由美, 板井昭浩, 瀨森由貴, 山田尚子, 北之原孝將, 横田圭佑, 韓アルム, 吉田玲子, 鶴岡陽太, 高尾一也, 篠原睦雄, 石田奈央美, Pete Townshend, aiko, aiko, 八田真一郎, 松木智香, 藤田貴久, 安田早希, 小川崚蒔, 佐藤陽太郎, 大今良時, 大橋永晴, 飯塚寿雄, 三浦理奈, 牛尾憲輔, 大今良時, 西屋太志, Roger Daltrey, 倉橋裕宗, 中村伸一, 植月幹夫, 立石謙介, Pete Townshend, John Entwistle, 重村建吾, Keith Moon, 佐藤達也, 高瀬 亜貴子, 木上益治, 日高綾美, 浦田芳憲, 奥野葵, 森崎志保, 白川涼介, 羽根邦広, 藤田紗英子, 渡邊紗也加, 安藤京平, 佐藤達也, 石立太一, 池田晶子, 高橋博行, 門脇未来, 岡村公平, 西屋太志, 熊野誠也, 河浪栄作, 牟田亮平, 明見裕子, 吉村知子, 冨板紀宏, 澤田早絵, 澤真平, 長原圭太, 植野千世子, 石立太一, 石立太一, 大野由里加, 山村卓也, 丸木宣明, 北之原孝將, 栗木亜美, 高橋真梨子, 鈴木沙奈, 池田和美, 角田有希, 岩崎菜美, 森本千那津, 北地美帆, 角田有希, 斎藤敦史, 西屋太志, 丸子達就, 山村卓也, 佐藤宏太, 柏木平, 河浪栄作, 丸木宣明, 浅間英裕, 宮城良, 岡村公平, 長浜彩夏, 黒田千温, 引山佳代, 唐田洋, 明見裕子, 植野千世子, 大倉佳苗, 中山直哉, 岡野文恵, 秋竹斉一, 羽土真衣子, 小川太一, 山口平, 北之原孝將, 太田稔, 瀬崎利恵, 鵜ノ口穣二,
What is the budget of the A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie?
A Silent Voice: The Movie is made with the budget of $ 500,000.
A Silent Voice: The Movie Hit or Flop?
A Silent Voice: The Movie was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 30,819,442.
Where to watch the A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie?
A Silent Voice: The Movie Movie can be watched on Not available on OTT right now..