Dawn of the Planet of the Apes filmyzilla

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes filmyzilla 2014-07-10

Science Fiction, Action, Drama, Thriller

BUDGET - $ 170,000,000

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes filmyzilla

The Movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes falls under the Science Fiction, Action, Drama, Thriller genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Matt Reeves, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.

The Movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is being produce with the collaboration of the studio TSG Entertainment, Chernin Entertainment, Ingenious Media, 20th Century Fox,

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was released on 2014-07-10 and the total runtime of the Movie is going to be 130 minutes and the status of the Movie is Released.

The Movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was released on 2014-07-10, and has a total runtime of 130 minutes. The Movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Science Fiction, Action, Drama, Thriller, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Matt Reeves, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie can be watched at Not available on OTT right now..

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes overview and crew info

Title Description
Movie Name Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Offical Language English
Release Date 2014-07-10
Release Status Released
OTT Platform Not available on OTT right now.
OTT Release Date No information available on OTT Release date.
Hit or Flop Hit
Director Matt Reeves
Producer Not Available,
Writer Gina Sherritt, Jenny-King Turko, Stacey Herbert, Ela Jo Erwin, Emma Jacobs, Bill Terezakis, Vicki Syskakis, Ashley Heathcock, Dee Leveque, Fleur Morell, Debra Dietrich, Sherri Hamilton, Donna Spahn, Anji Bemben, Fay von Schroeder, Yolanda Mercadel, Heather Ferrell, Vince Yoshida, Alison Fraser, Shelly Shaw, Maura 'Maude' Cusick, Chris Nausley, Hans Georg Struhar, Andrea Cooper, Giselle Spence, Christian Cordella, Colin Wilkes, Juliana Hoffpauir, Gayle Merindino, Cathleen Edwards, Brittany Lathan, Susan Strubel, Dan Moore, Charlie Mann, Luca Nemolato, David Dowling, Lyndell Wolff, Nathaniel West, Harrison Paul, Richard Crain, Aaron Sims, Francesco Corvino, Kelton Cram, Sheila Millar, Jed Pendergrass, Bert Smith, Michael Williams Willis, Jan Holmsten, Justin Goby Fields, Joshua Min, Javiera Varas, Steffen Reichstadt, Steve Martemucci, Elena Dubova, Mitch Naber, Roger Johnson, Nicole Eldredge, Robert J. Moore Jr., Lizzy Jane Klein, Trevor Goring, Kim Sinclair, Paul Wagner, Frank Hendrick, Eric Ringbloom, William H. Phen Jr., Sally Hudson, Mark Hitchler, Kurt Bruun, Joseph Cassady Harris, Mark Moretti, Derek Devers, Elena Dresser, John Lamkin, Amanda Hunter, Travis Craven, Eliza Hooker, Daniel A. Maes, Bill 'Kauhane' Hoyt, Jim Mitchell, Paul Giglione, Kyle S. Plowden, Keith Wall, Benton Jew, Luis G. Hoyos, Gerald Palone, Andrew Preen, Mecca Thornhill, Marc Baird, Elizabeth Roberts, Sara Philpott, Greg Papalia, Laurie Fewell, Adrien van Viersen, Greg Finnin, Jeff Hinds, Lisa Tong, Martha Johnston, Danny Nick, Josh Sheppard, Ken Lewis Jr., Peter Sysoev, Dwight Lowell, Levi Woods, Michael Thibodeaux, Gary Hidalgo, Rachel Nowik, Jesse Michael Owen, Gabriel Hardman, Patrick Musni, Jim Magdaleno, Nicholas Watts, Nina Henninger, Sarah Kliban, Chris Bustard, Dustin Frost, Stefan Sonnenfeld, Jaime Harlan, Cory Fleming, Virle S. Reid, Andrea Brown, Cliff Fleming, Tannis Vallely, Jason Landry, Burton Chatelain Jr., Andres Sepulveda, Vince Hughes, Shayna Markowitz, Jeffery L. Parks, Lauren Boudreaux, Greg Curry, Jon Rocke, Mike Aichholz, Meagan Lewis, Rob Fournier, Benton Collinsworth, Laura Brooks, Chrissy Metge, Brooke Arata, Timothy Llewellyn Moxey, Verner Maldonado, Jason Marconi, Jessica Kivnik, M. Michelle Nishikawa, Illya Laney, Matt Blouin, Andrew Gutu, James Macolino, Leslie Quan, Andrea Claret, Felicia Craggs, Cecilia Carcamo, Tom Carson, Kenneth Yu, Leah M. Peterson, Shane Harris, Patricia Foster, Ryan Redmond, Julieann Snow, Michele Lee, Luke McMeeken-Ruscoe, Selena Ginger, Donnie McCormick, Matt Kutcher, Kelly Todd, Jennifer Teves, Kaylee Johnson, Alex Burdett, Heidi Erl, Page Rosenberg-Marvin, Mimi N. McGreal, George J. Steiner Jr., David Stickler, John S. Baker, Robert Higginbotham, Jason Lazaroff, Samuel Foster, Anne Taunga, Lisa Towers, Christa Beth Watkins, Scott Sprague, Robert 'Boomer' McCann, Daniel Tkaczyk, Mark G. Alexander, Corbin Heide, Jeff Meagher, David Winner, Topher Jones, Colby Festner, Joshua Stern, Topher Jones, John Lacy, Christopher A. Schenck, Robert D Morrison Jr., Patrick Stepien, Robert Baird, Hugh Meikle, Tim Nagasawa, Baird Steptoe, James Selph, Scott Ronnow, Rachel Perlis, Erik Skramstad, Stephen Fouasnon, Mike Bicknell, John Emory, Steven R. Mathis, Jeffery J. Tufano, Dylan Goss, Kyle Kaplan, Damien Giles, Shane E. Gros, Mike 'Chewie' Pappas, Tyler Jinx Moore, Brian Posslenzny, Justin Wright, Skylar Almas, Anthony Hart, Mike Tanassee, Chad Rivetti, Jade Maggio, Steve Condiotti, Mike Sanchez, Nathaniel Miller, Brian Stegeman, Sophie Shellenberger, Kyle Hou, Duck Grossberg, Bryce Shaw, Christopher Glasgow, Richard Landry, Alan R. Disler, Gerald Autin, Kevin Tiesiera, John Bonnin, Tyler Garrett, Ian Gledhill, Christian Schauz, Adam Bunz, Virgile Dean, Hannes Steixner, Travis Williams, Jonathan Morrill, Ian Gariepy, Richard A. Hunt, Dave Childers, Jayden York, Dale Cole, Aaron G. York, Daniel Ippolito, Gregory M. Childers, Brook Johnson, Omar Sabeh, Justin LeBlanc, Donald Roth, Rell Putt, Kevin Willson, Matthew Thomas Moles, Anthony T. Marra II, Scott Campbell, Frank Devine, Michelle Cummins, Adrian Netto, Rob Skuse, Jonathan Plaeger, Jason Prowell, Ann Wraith, Scott Chase, Brad Mear, Aaron Toups, Dacoda Bartels, Dan Fraser, Jonathan Terpstra, Mike Nami Jr., Patrick Barnes, David Waters, Cindy Taylor, Robin Bursey, Justin Steptoe, John C. Hoffler Jr., Art Villasenor, Brandon Lambdin, Vanessa Hickey, Tim Hennessy, Scott Luttrell, Mathew Dunne, Gary Hawes, Meghan Burchfield, Christopher Moone, Adrian Neri, Bradley Parker, Andrea Devaux, Julian Wall, Brian Relyea, Dustin Keller, Justin Watson, Christian Hardy, Hiro Taniguchi, Gary Powell, Kevin O'Neil, Todd Havern, Trisha Burton, Adrian Diepold, Michael Giacchino, Kevin Lum, Tracy L. Moody, Tim Whyte, Gary Capo, Elizabeth Gray, Emil Bidiuc, Cristina Falcon, Anneka Fris, Huy Ho, Nadav Ehrlich, Michael Bomagat, Sam Baker, Vincent Caudeville, Ryan Cronin, Joe Hagg, Yannick Gillain, Mariya Kalachova, Christopher Marshall, David Short, Ryan Sluman, Clement Yip, Florian Schroeder, Owen Longstaff, Ben Warner, Lonnie Kraatz, Carlos Lin, Sam Cole, Dean Koonjul, Brad Lincoln, Per Mørk-Jensen, Yoshihiro Harimoto, David Humphreys, Jerry Kung, Jason Richardson, Scott Chambers, Robin Hollander, Jan Maroske, Alessandro Mozzato, Kevin Kelm, Ben Roberts, Sean Heuston, Teni Noravian, Adrian Lim, Paul Ramsden, Phillip Leonhardt, Sam Sharplin, Aaron Cowan, Tom Buys, Kurt Butler, Leslie Chan, C. Michael Neely, Duane Floch, Tom Del Campo, Ella Boliver, Eva Snyder, Amy Thomas, Mark Smith, Juan Pablo Lampe, Morgan Loomis, Nino Aniceto, Mark Richardson, Simon Cheung, Hans Brekke, Bridget M. Taylor, Kenny Lam, Todd Labonte, Roger Wong, Geoffroy Givry, Roland Vallet, Jean-Baptiste Verdier, Bradley McFlinn, Darren Mortillaro, Ana Sofia Mestre de Almeida Pereira, Janet Sharpe, Michael Aerni, Tamir Sammy Diab, Shaun Marnewick, John Sore, Kosta Lagis, Kathryn Jane Black, Riaan Underwood, James Jones Jr., Valerie Lumb, Bryn Bayliss, Pierre Bonnette, Arthur Chan, Rachel Hydes, Holly Inyoung Shin, Makoto Koyama, Dennis Yoo, Aaron Gilman, Andrew Calder, Cedric Enriquez Canlas, John Stevenson-Galvin, Alana Douglas, Samuel Doyle, A.J. Briones, Rosie Colligan, Adrian Scherger, Julie Holmes, Andrew Ross, Robert K.O. McLeod, Xian Xiao, James Bell, Vanessa Mylchreest, Victor Huang, Jonathan Dysart, David Heinz, Drew Nielsen, James Van Der Reyden, Nicolas Petit, Sophie Cherry, Berj Bannayan, Sompong Teekasathien, La-Râ Hinckeldeyn, Michael Sarkis, Clayton Lyons, Erin Hill, James Meikle, Jane O'Callaghan, Bryan Searing, Alex Blatt, Giulia Stermieri, Daniel Elliott, Zoe Saker-Norrish, Isabelle Leduc, Pete Polyakov, Oliver Ferguson, James Knowles, Gerardo Aguilera, Nancy Nugent, Douglas Murray, Derek Casari, Christopher Barnett, James Bolt, Craig Henighan, Stephen Muir, Donald Sylvester, Charleen Richards-Steeves, Jason Tuttle, David Betancourt, Donald D. Brown, Marc Uddo, Mark DeSimone, David Lucarelli, Kurt Peterson, John Murray, Craig Weintraub, Goro Koyama, John Morris, Christine Sirois, Jenna Dalla Riva, Warren Hendriks, Helen Luttrell, Jamey Osborne, Peter Chernin, Michael Giacchino, Dylan Clark, Matt Reeves, Terry Notary, Janene Carleton, Ted Alderman, Jake Brake, Stephen Conroy, Brandon Beckman, Tim Connolly, John L. Armijo, Hunter Baxley, Trace Cheramie, Alvin Chon, Liam Day, Rockey Dickey Jr., Jeff Brockton, Sean Paul Braud, Chelsea Bruland, Eddie J. Fernandez, Kieran Gallagher, Jeff Galpin, Gabriel Hansen, Regis Harrington, Tony McFarr, Josh Mueller, Chad Bowman, Jason Chu, Michael Endoso, Don Lee, Tim Bell, David Castillo, Tait Fletcher, Cory Fleming, Larry M. Shorts, Cliff Fleming, Keith Jardine, Jason Ament, Brandon Cornell, Richard King, Ashleigh Dejon, Tony Donno, Lex D. Geddings, Guy Fernandez, Ashley Nicole Hudson, Brian L. Keaulana, Chris J. Fanguy, Larry McGhee, Suzanne Reed, Met Salih, Mike Seal, Eric Stratemeier, Alec Rayme, George Quinones, Kevin Reid, Darin Fujimori, Adam Horwitz, Rose Leiker, Jennifer Mylrea, Brittany Romatowski, Kasim Saul, Aden Stay, Mark Kubr, Theo Kypri, Wendy Miklovic, Eric Salas, Holly O'Quin, Brian Oerly, Erik Schultz, Reid Harper, Kortney Manns, Rush Randle, William Scharpf, Greg Rementer, Felipe Savahge, Nathan Siebring, Daniel Norris, Michael Owen, Garrik Palumbo, Meredith Richardson, Jared Shaw, Carl Anthony Nespoli, Mark Norby, Travis Parker, Kara Petersen, Craig Frosty Silva, J. Travis Merendino, Monty L. Simons, Tim J. Smith, Gary Price, Jon Sakata, Chris Webb, Josh Yadon, Michael Yahn, Willie Weber, Tracy E. Thomas, Timothy Wyant, Eli Zagoudakis, Jessica Williams, Matt Thompson, Kevin Waterman, Albert Valladares, Eric VanArsdale, Aaron V. Williamson, Freddie Poole, Justin Lacalamita, William Hoy, Amanda Silver, Michael Seresin, Rick Jaffa, Mark Bomback, James Chinlund, Stan Salfas, Mark Bomback, Amanda Silver, Rick Jaffa, Thomas M. Hammel, Sarah Forrest, Will Files, Aaron Haye, Scott Plauche, Will Files, Nick S. Cross, Peter Stratford, William O. Hunter, Theresa Greene, Paul Apelgren, David James, John Berger, Mike Stassi, Doug Hardwick, Tegan Taylor, Sharon Thompson, Douglas Murray, Douglas Murray, Charley Bob Burnham, Melissa Bruning, Dana Kay Hart, Kelvin Humenny, Marisa Frantz, Amanda Moss Serino, Lisa Love, John Hoskins, Janice MacIsaac, Emily Tatum, Michael Arena, John B. Keys, David Grimaldi, Jack Whittaker, Derrick Auyoung, Charles Croughwell, Mike Perry, Jarrod Tiffin, Frank Avanzo, Fabiano Petroni, Paul Story, Daniel C. Gold, Peter McCaffrey, Heidi Howell, Lindsay Kouri, Robert S. Hurlburt, John Norris, Marny Eng, Olivia Vestina Torres, Jason Byers, Terry Notary, Keith Peterman, Jamie Anderson-Reid, John Lindsay, Edward J. McNicoll, Pedro Barquin, Will Files, Dan Lemmon, Theo Kypri, Jennifer Kamrath, Tyler Ruocco, Joe Letteri, Keith Miller, David Kashevaroff, Charles Bodenheimer, Keith Lackey, Marc Wostak, Peter McCaffrey, Glenn E. Moran, Melissa Remenarich, Frida Norrman, Billy 'Jilly Bones' Jones, Doug Jackson, Shaun Friedberg, Susan Strubel, Kevin Mangan, Cyndi Ochs, Ryan Stafford, Will Arnot, Douglas Murray, Daniele Tosti, Alessandro Saponi, Pamela Waggoner, Jason Waggenspack, Mac Smith, Tom Meade, Hannah Bianchini, Will Arnot, Sean Davis, Daniel Macarin, Sean Ginevan, Scott Guitteau, Leon Woud, Shelly Shaw, Sarah Swick, Erik Winquist, Gregg Brilliant, Debra Zane, Hugo Dominguez, Nathan Moore, Joey Moran, Wendy S. Williams, Naaman Marshall, Jenno Topping, Vanessa Motta, Leigh Hennessy, Chuck Picerni Jr., Tony R. Medina, Michael Magill, Kim Foscato, Jody Blose, Rick Jaffa, Jesse Johnstone, Matthew Harrison, Ed White, Thomas W. Small, Doug Harlocker, Gary Capo, Mildred Iatrou, Mildred Iatrou, Jim Brookshire, Scott Curtis, Amanda Silver, Whitney Coleman, John C. Meier, Andrea Datzman, Michelle Rose, Johnny Gidcomb, Deven MacNair, Christian Prejza, John Guentner, Jack Heeren, Paul Carlin, Rudy Lopez, James Ashwill, John T. Cucci, Andy Malcolm, Don White, Dan O'Connell, Daniel Barrett, Graham Binding, Ronan Binding, Carolina Jiménez, Jerad Marantz, Bruce Franklin, Paul Greenwood, John Giuliano, Angelo White, Angel Ribolla, Angel Ribolla, Glenn Anderson, Julian Legge, Julian Legge, Pierre Boulle,
Budget $ 170,000,000
Collection / Revenue $ 710,644,566
Country United Kingdom United States of America
Production Companyies Dawn of the Planet of the Apes TSG Entertainment, Chernin Entertainment, Ingenious Media, 20th Century Fox,
Movie Genre Science Fiction, Action, Drama, Thriller

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Story or Plot

A group of scientists in San Francisco struggle to stay alive in the aftermath of a plague that is wiping out humanity, while Caesar tries to maintain dominance over his community of intelligent apes.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Screenshots and Images

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Rating

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke, Toby Kebbell, Gary Oldman, Keri Russell and it was directed by Matt Reeves and produce by Not Available, it has a rating of 7.329 / 10 with total votes count to 11477 and it is a Hit Movie.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Review

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was co - produce by the studio TSG Entertainment, Chernin Entertainment, Ingenious Media, 20th Century Fox, and produce by Not Available, , with a budget of $ 170,000,000 and a total collection of $ 710,644,566 and it is a Hit Movie.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Budget

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes has a budget of $ 170,000,000 and a total collection of $ 710,644,566 and it was co - produce by the studio TSG Entertainment, Chernin Entertainment, Ingenious Media, 20th Century Fox,

Filmiposters.com conclusion, Dawn of the Planet of the Apesis a captivating film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through life, love, and the unexpected twists that shape human relationships. With its engaging storyline, strong performances, and impressive production, this movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking films. It beautifully highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.


Who is the director of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was directrd by Matt Reeves.

Who is the producer of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was directrd by Not Available, .

What is the genre of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes falls into the genre of Science Fiction, Action, Drama, Thriller .

What is the release date of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was released on 2014-07-10.

What is the running time or duration of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes has a running time of 130 minutes.

Who wrote Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is written by Gina Sherritt, Jenny-King Turko, Stacey Herbert, Ela Jo Erwin, Emma Jacobs, Bill Terezakis, Vicki Syskakis, Ashley Heathcock, Dee Leveque, Fleur Morell, Debra Dietrich, Sherri Hamilton, Donna Spahn, Anji Bemben, Fay von Schroeder, Yolanda Mercadel, Heather Ferrell, Vince Yoshida, Alison Fraser, Shelly Shaw, Maura 'Maude' Cusick, Chris Nausley, Hans Georg Struhar, Andrea Cooper, Giselle Spence, Christian Cordella, Colin Wilkes, Juliana Hoffpauir, Gayle Merindino, Cathleen Edwards, Brittany Lathan, Susan Strubel, Dan Moore, Charlie Mann, Luca Nemolato, David Dowling, Lyndell Wolff, Nathaniel West, Harrison Paul, Richard Crain, Aaron Sims, Francesco Corvino, Kelton Cram, Sheila Millar, Jed Pendergrass, Bert Smith, Michael Williams Willis, Jan Holmsten, Justin Goby Fields, Joshua Min, Javiera Varas, Steffen Reichstadt, Steve Martemucci, Elena Dubova, Mitch Naber, Roger Johnson, Nicole Eldredge, Robert J. Moore Jr., Lizzy Jane Klein, Trevor Goring, Kim Sinclair, Paul Wagner, Frank Hendrick, Eric Ringbloom, William H. Phen Jr., Sally Hudson, Mark Hitchler, Kurt Bruun, Joseph Cassady Harris, Mark Moretti, Derek Devers, Elena Dresser, John Lamkin, Amanda Hunter, Travis Craven, Eliza Hooker, Daniel A. Maes, Bill 'Kauhane' Hoyt, Jim Mitchell, Paul Giglione, Kyle S. Plowden, Keith Wall, Benton Jew, Luis G. Hoyos, Gerald Palone, Andrew Preen, Mecca Thornhill, Marc Baird, Elizabeth Roberts, Sara Philpott, Greg Papalia, Laurie Fewell, Adrien van Viersen, Greg Finnin, Jeff Hinds, Lisa Tong, Martha Johnston, Danny Nick, Josh Sheppard, Ken Lewis Jr., Peter Sysoev, Dwight Lowell, Levi Woods, Michael Thibodeaux, Gary Hidalgo, Rachel Nowik, Jesse Michael Owen, Gabriel Hardman, Patrick Musni, Jim Magdaleno, Nicholas Watts, Nina Henninger, Sarah Kliban, Chris Bustard, Dustin Frost, Stefan Sonnenfeld, Jaime Harlan, Cory Fleming, Virle S. Reid, Andrea Brown, Cliff Fleming, Tannis Vallely, Jason Landry, Burton Chatelain Jr., Andres Sepulveda, Vince Hughes, Shayna Markowitz, Jeffery L. Parks, Lauren Boudreaux, Greg Curry, Jon Rocke, Mike Aichholz, Meagan Lewis, Rob Fournier, Benton Collinsworth, Laura Brooks, Chrissy Metge, Brooke Arata, Timothy Llewellyn Moxey, Verner Maldonado, Jason Marconi, Jessica Kivnik, M. Michelle Nishikawa, Illya Laney, Matt Blouin, Andrew Gutu, James Macolino, Leslie Quan, Andrea Claret, Felicia Craggs, Cecilia Carcamo, Tom Carson, Kenneth Yu, Leah M. Peterson, Shane Harris, Patricia Foster, Ryan Redmond, Julieann Snow, Michele Lee, Luke McMeeken-Ruscoe, Selena Ginger, Donnie McCormick, Matt Kutcher, Kelly Todd, Jennifer Teves, Kaylee Johnson, Alex Burdett, Heidi Erl, Page Rosenberg-Marvin, Mimi N. McGreal, George J. Steiner Jr., David Stickler, John S. Baker, Robert Higginbotham, Jason Lazaroff, Samuel Foster, Anne Taunga, Lisa Towers, Christa Beth Watkins, Scott Sprague, Robert 'Boomer' McCann, Daniel Tkaczyk, Mark G. Alexander, Corbin Heide, Jeff Meagher, David Winner, Topher Jones, Colby Festner, Joshua Stern, Topher Jones, John Lacy, Christopher A. Schenck, Robert D Morrison Jr., Patrick Stepien, Robert Baird, Hugh Meikle, Tim Nagasawa, Baird Steptoe, James Selph, Scott Ronnow, Rachel Perlis, Erik Skramstad, Stephen Fouasnon, Mike Bicknell, John Emory, Steven R. Mathis, Jeffery J. Tufano, Dylan Goss, Kyle Kaplan, Damien Giles, Shane E. Gros, Mike 'Chewie' Pappas, Tyler Jinx Moore, Brian Posslenzny, Justin Wright, Skylar Almas, Anthony Hart, Mike Tanassee, Chad Rivetti, Jade Maggio, Steve Condiotti, Mike Sanchez, Nathaniel Miller, Brian Stegeman, Sophie Shellenberger, Kyle Hou, Duck Grossberg, Bryce Shaw, Christopher Glasgow, Richard Landry, Alan R. Disler, Gerald Autin, Kevin Tiesiera, John Bonnin, Tyler Garrett, Ian Gledhill, Christian Schauz, Adam Bunz, Virgile Dean, Hannes Steixner, Travis Williams, Jonathan Morrill, Ian Gariepy, Richard A. Hunt, Dave Childers, Jayden York, Dale Cole, Aaron G. York, Daniel Ippolito, Gregory M. Childers, Brook Johnson, Omar Sabeh, Justin LeBlanc, Donald Roth, Rell Putt, Kevin Willson, Matthew Thomas Moles, Anthony T. Marra II, Scott Campbell, Frank Devine, Michelle Cummins, Adrian Netto, Rob Skuse, Jonathan Plaeger, Jason Prowell, Ann Wraith, Scott Chase, Brad Mear, Aaron Toups, Dacoda Bartels, Dan Fraser, Jonathan Terpstra, Mike Nami Jr., Patrick Barnes, David Waters, Cindy Taylor, Robin Bursey, Justin Steptoe, John C. Hoffler Jr., Art Villasenor, Brandon Lambdin, Vanessa Hickey, Tim Hennessy, Scott Luttrell, Mathew Dunne, Gary Hawes, Meghan Burchfield, Christopher Moone, Adrian Neri, Bradley Parker, Andrea Devaux, Julian Wall, Brian Relyea, Dustin Keller, Justin Watson, Christian Hardy, Hiro Taniguchi, Gary Powell, Kevin O'Neil, Todd Havern, Trisha Burton, Adrian Diepold, Michael Giacchino, Kevin Lum, Tracy L. Moody, Tim Whyte, Gary Capo, Elizabeth Gray, Emil Bidiuc, Cristina Falcon, Anneka Fris, Huy Ho, Nadav Ehrlich, Michael Bomagat, Sam Baker, Vincent Caudeville, Ryan Cronin, Joe Hagg, Yannick Gillain, Mariya Kalachova, Christopher Marshall, David Short, Ryan Sluman, Clement Yip, Florian Schroeder, Owen Longstaff, Ben Warner, Lonnie Kraatz, Carlos Lin, Sam Cole, Dean Koonjul, Brad Lincoln, Per Mørk-Jensen, Yoshihiro Harimoto, David Humphreys, Jerry Kung, Jason Richardson, Scott Chambers, Robin Hollander, Jan Maroske, Alessandro Mozzato, Kevin Kelm, Ben Roberts, Sean Heuston, Teni Noravian, Adrian Lim, Paul Ramsden, Phillip Leonhardt, Sam Sharplin, Aaron Cowan, Tom Buys, Kurt Butler, Leslie Chan, C. Michael Neely, Duane Floch, Tom Del Campo, Ella Boliver, Eva Snyder, Amy Thomas, Mark Smith, Juan Pablo Lampe, Morgan Loomis, Nino Aniceto, Mark Richardson, Simon Cheung, Hans Brekke, Bridget M. Taylor, Kenny Lam, Todd Labonte, Roger Wong, Geoffroy Givry, Roland Vallet, Jean-Baptiste Verdier, Bradley McFlinn, Darren Mortillaro, Ana Sofia Mestre de Almeida Pereira, Janet Sharpe, Michael Aerni, Tamir Sammy Diab, Shaun Marnewick, John Sore, Kosta Lagis, Kathryn Jane Black, Riaan Underwood, James Jones Jr., Valerie Lumb, Bryn Bayliss, Pierre Bonnette, Arthur Chan, Rachel Hydes, Holly Inyoung Shin, Makoto Koyama, Dennis Yoo, Aaron Gilman, Andrew Calder, Cedric Enriquez Canlas, John Stevenson-Galvin, Alana Douglas, Samuel Doyle, A.J. Briones, Rosie Colligan, Adrian Scherger, Julie Holmes, Andrew Ross, Robert K.O. McLeod, Xian Xiao, James Bell, Vanessa Mylchreest, Victor Huang, Jonathan Dysart, David Heinz, Drew Nielsen, James Van Der Reyden, Nicolas Petit, Sophie Cherry, Berj Bannayan, Sompong Teekasathien, La-Râ Hinckeldeyn, Michael Sarkis, Clayton Lyons, Erin Hill, James Meikle, Jane O'Callaghan, Bryan Searing, Alex Blatt, Giulia Stermieri, Daniel Elliott, Zoe Saker-Norrish, Isabelle Leduc, Pete Polyakov, Oliver Ferguson, James Knowles, Gerardo Aguilera, Nancy Nugent, Douglas Murray, Derek Casari, Christopher Barnett, James Bolt, Craig Henighan, Stephen Muir, Donald Sylvester, Charleen Richards-Steeves, Jason Tuttle, David Betancourt, Donald D. Brown, Marc Uddo, Mark DeSimone, David Lucarelli, Kurt Peterson, John Murray, Craig Weintraub, Goro Koyama, John Morris, Christine Sirois, Jenna Dalla Riva, Warren Hendriks, Helen Luttrell, Jamey Osborne, Peter Chernin, Michael Giacchino, Dylan Clark, Matt Reeves, Terry Notary, Janene Carleton, Ted Alderman, Jake Brake, Stephen Conroy, Brandon Beckman, Tim Connolly, John L. Armijo, Hunter Baxley, Trace Cheramie, Alvin Chon, Liam Day, Rockey Dickey Jr., Jeff Brockton, Sean Paul Braud, Chelsea Bruland, Eddie J. Fernandez, Kieran Gallagher, Jeff Galpin, Gabriel Hansen, Regis Harrington, Tony McFarr, Josh Mueller, Chad Bowman, Jason Chu, Michael Endoso, Don Lee, Tim Bell, David Castillo, Tait Fletcher, Cory Fleming, Larry M. Shorts, Cliff Fleming, Keith Jardine, Jason Ament, Brandon Cornell, Richard King, Ashleigh Dejon, Tony Donno, Lex D. Geddings, Guy Fernandez, Ashley Nicole Hudson, Brian L. Keaulana, Chris J. Fanguy, Larry McGhee, Suzanne Reed, Met Salih, Mike Seal, Eric Stratemeier, Alec Rayme, George Quinones, Kevin Reid, Darin Fujimori, Adam Horwitz, Rose Leiker, Jennifer Mylrea, Brittany Romatowski, Kasim Saul, Aden Stay, Mark Kubr, Theo Kypri, Wendy Miklovic, Eric Salas, Holly O'Quin, Brian Oerly, Erik Schultz, Reid Harper, Kortney Manns, Rush Randle, William Scharpf, Greg Rementer, Felipe Savahge, Nathan Siebring, Daniel Norris, Michael Owen, Garrik Palumbo, Meredith Richardson, Jared Shaw, Carl Anthony Nespoli, Mark Norby, Travis Parker, Kara Petersen, Craig Frosty Silva, J. Travis Merendino, Monty L. Simons, Tim J. Smith, Gary Price, Jon Sakata, Chris Webb, Josh Yadon, Michael Yahn, Willie Weber, Tracy E. Thomas, Timothy Wyant, Eli Zagoudakis, Jessica Williams, Matt Thompson, Kevin Waterman, Albert Valladares, Eric VanArsdale, Aaron V. Williamson, Freddie Poole, Justin Lacalamita, William Hoy, Amanda Silver, Michael Seresin, Rick Jaffa, Mark Bomback, James Chinlund, Stan Salfas, Mark Bomback, Amanda Silver, Rick Jaffa, Thomas M. Hammel, Sarah Forrest, Will Files, Aaron Haye, Scott Plauche, Will Files, Nick S. Cross, Peter Stratford, William O. Hunter, Theresa Greene, Paul Apelgren, David James, John Berger, Mike Stassi, Doug Hardwick, Tegan Taylor, Sharon Thompson, Douglas Murray, Douglas Murray, Charley Bob Burnham, Melissa Bruning, Dana Kay Hart, Kelvin Humenny, Marisa Frantz, Amanda Moss Serino, Lisa Love, John Hoskins, Janice MacIsaac, Emily Tatum, Michael Arena, John B. Keys, David Grimaldi, Jack Whittaker, Derrick Auyoung, Charles Croughwell, Mike Perry, Jarrod Tiffin, Frank Avanzo, Fabiano Petroni, Paul Story, Daniel C. Gold, Peter McCaffrey, Heidi Howell, Lindsay Kouri, Robert S. Hurlburt, John Norris, Marny Eng, Olivia Vestina Torres, Jason Byers, Terry Notary, Keith Peterman, Jamie Anderson-Reid, John Lindsay, Edward J. McNicoll, Pedro Barquin, Will Files, Dan Lemmon, Theo Kypri, Jennifer Kamrath, Tyler Ruocco, Joe Letteri, Keith Miller, David Kashevaroff, Charles Bodenheimer, Keith Lackey, Marc Wostak, Peter McCaffrey, Glenn E. Moran, Melissa Remenarich, Frida Norrman, Billy 'Jilly Bones' Jones, Doug Jackson, Shaun Friedberg, Susan Strubel, Kevin Mangan, Cyndi Ochs, Ryan Stafford, Will Arnot, Douglas Murray, Daniele Tosti, Alessandro Saponi, Pamela Waggoner, Jason Waggenspack, Mac Smith, Tom Meade, Hannah Bianchini, Will Arnot, Sean Davis, Daniel Macarin, Sean Ginevan, Scott Guitteau, Leon Woud, Shelly Shaw, Sarah Swick, Erik Winquist, Gregg Brilliant, Debra Zane, Hugo Dominguez, Nathan Moore, Joey Moran, Wendy S. Williams, Naaman Marshall, Jenno Topping, Vanessa Motta, Leigh Hennessy, Chuck Picerni Jr., Tony R. Medina, Michael Magill, Kim Foscato, Jody Blose, Rick Jaffa, Jesse Johnstone, Matthew Harrison, Ed White, Thomas W. Small, Doug Harlocker, Gary Capo, Mildred Iatrou, Mildred Iatrou, Jim Brookshire, Scott Curtis, Amanda Silver, Whitney Coleman, John C. Meier, Andrea Datzman, Michelle Rose, Johnny Gidcomb, Deven MacNair, Christian Prejza, John Guentner, Jack Heeren, Paul Carlin, Rudy Lopez, James Ashwill, John T. Cucci, Andy Malcolm, Don White, Dan O'Connell, Daniel Barrett, Graham Binding, Ronan Binding, Carolina Jiménez, Jerad Marantz, Bruce Franklin, Paul Greenwood, John Giuliano, Angelo White, Angel Ribolla, Angel Ribolla, Glenn Anderson, Julian Legge, Julian Legge, Pierre Boulle,

What is the budget of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is made with the budget of $ 170,000,000.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Hit or Flop?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 710,644,566.

Where to watch the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Movie can be watched on Not available on OTT right now..