Dedicated to my ex filmyzilla

Dedicated to my ex filmyzilla 2019-11-01

Drama, Comedy

BUDGET - $ 500,000

Dedicated to my ex filmyzilla

The Movie Dedicated to my ex falls under the Drama, Comedy genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Jorge Ulloa, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.

The Movie Dedicated to my ex is being produce with the collaboration of the studio Touché Films, Dynamo,

Dedicated to my ex was released on 2019-11-01 and the total runtime of the Movie is going to be 94 minutes and the status of the Movie is Released.

The Movie Dedicated to my ex was released on 2019-11-01, and has a total runtime of 94 minutes. The Movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Drama, Comedy, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Jorge Ulloa, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Dedicated to my ex Movie can be watched at Not available on OTT right now..

Dedicated to my ex overview and crew info

Title Description
Movie Name Dedicated to my ex
Offical Language Spanish
Release Date 2019-11-01
Release Status Released
OTT Platform Not available on OTT right now.
OTT Release Date No information available on OTT Release date.
Hit or Flop Hit
Director Jorge Ulloa
Producer Not Available,
Writer Camilo Abadía, Felipe Granda, Jaime Zambrano, Julian Grijalba, Brayan Linares, Joacenith Vargas, Alejandra Gallo, Victor Herrera, Jorge Ulloa, Juan Carlos Acevedo, Alexandra Sarmiento, Mariana Berenguer, Raffaella Valdivieso, Adriana Aparicio, Carolina Caicedo, Christian Moya, Roy Azout, Jorge Ulloa, Andrés Calderón, Martín Domínguez, Andrés Centeno, Diego Suárez Chialvo, Sandra Beltrán, Camilo Andrés Calderón, Luis Enrique Hurtado, Héctor Álvarez, Juan Felipe Toloza, Natalia Echeverri, Felipe Linares, Ivan Hartmann, William Pinzón, Daniel Vargas, Irene Velasco Ramirez, Frank Rodríguez, Ana María Velasco, Maria Andrea Rangel, Alejandro Quintero, Laura Lopera, Alejo Chauvin, Diego Ulloa, Jorge Ulloa, Nataly Valencia, Julio Pañi, Jorge Ulloa,
Budget $ 500,000
Collection / Revenue $ 1,315,376
Country Colombia Ecuador United States of America
Production Companyies Dedicated to my ex Touché Films, Dynamo,
Movie Genre Drama, Comedy

Dedicated to my ex Story or Plot

The film tells the story of Ariel, a 21-year-old who decides to form a rock band to compete for a prize of ten thousand dollars in a musical band contest, this as a last option when trying to get money to save their relationship and reunite with his ex-girlfriend, which breaks due to the trip she must make to Finland for an internship. Ariel with her friend Ortega, decides to make a casting to find the other members of the band, although they do not know nothing about music, thus forming a band with members that have diverse and opposite personalities.

Dedicated to my ex Screenshots and Images

Dedicated to my ex

Dedicated to my ex Rating

Dedicated to my ex Movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Raúl Santana, Nataly Valencia, Carlos Alcántara, Biassini Segura, Mariana Treviño and it was directed by Jorge Ulloa and produce by Not Available, it has a rating of 8.3 / 10 with total votes count to 502 and it is a Hit Movie.

Dedicated to my ex Review

Dedicated to my ex was co - produce by the studio Touché Films, Dynamo, and produce by Not Available, , with a budget of $ 500,000 and a total collection of $ 1,315,376 and it is a Hit Movie.

Dedicated to my ex Budget

Dedicated to my ex has a budget of $ 500,000 and a total collection of $ 1,315,376 and it was co - produce by the studio Touché Films, Dynamo, conclusion, Dedicated to my exis a captivating film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through life, love, and the unexpected twists that shape human relationships. With its engaging storyline, strong performances, and impressive production, this movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking films. It beautifully highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.


Who is the director of the Dedicated to my ex Movie?

Dedicated to my ex was directrd by Jorge Ulloa.

Who is the producer of the Dedicated to my ex Movie?

Dedicated to my ex was directrd by Not Available, .

What is the genre of the Dedicated to my ex Movie?

Dedicated to my ex falls into the genre of Drama, Comedy .

What is the release date of the Dedicated to my ex Movie?

Dedicated to my ex was released on 2019-11-01.

What is the running time or duration of the Dedicated to my ex Movie?

Dedicated to my ex has a running time of 94 minutes.

Who wrote Dedicated to my ex Movie?

Dedicated to my ex is written by Camilo Abadía, Felipe Granda, Jaime Zambrano, Julian Grijalba, Brayan Linares, Joacenith Vargas, Alejandra Gallo, Victor Herrera, Jorge Ulloa, Juan Carlos Acevedo, Alexandra Sarmiento, Mariana Berenguer, Raffaella Valdivieso, Adriana Aparicio, Carolina Caicedo, Christian Moya, Roy Azout, Jorge Ulloa, Andrés Calderón, Martín Domínguez, Andrés Centeno, Diego Suárez Chialvo, Sandra Beltrán, Camilo Andrés Calderón, Luis Enrique Hurtado, Héctor Álvarez, Juan Felipe Toloza, Natalia Echeverri, Felipe Linares, Ivan Hartmann, William Pinzón, Daniel Vargas, Irene Velasco Ramirez, Frank Rodríguez, Ana María Velasco, Maria Andrea Rangel, Alejandro Quintero, Laura Lopera, Alejo Chauvin, Diego Ulloa, Jorge Ulloa, Nataly Valencia, Julio Pañi, Jorge Ulloa,

What is the budget of the Dedicated to my ex Movie?

Dedicated to my ex is made with the budget of $ 500,000.

Dedicated to my ex Hit or Flop?

Dedicated to my ex was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 1,315,376.

Where to watch the Dedicated to my ex Movie?

Dedicated to my ex Movie can be watched on Not available on OTT right now..