The Movie Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine falls under the Animation, Action, Crime, Mystery genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.
The Movie Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine is being produce with the collaboration of the studio TMS Entertainment, Shogakukan, Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, Nippon Television Network Corporation, Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, TOHO,
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine was released on 2023-04-14 and the total runtime of the Movie is going to be 110 minutes and the status of the Movie is Released.
The Movie Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine was released on 2023-04-14, and has a total runtime of 110 minutes. The Movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Animation, Action, Crime, Mystery, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie can be watched at Not available on OTT right now..
Title | Description |
Movie Name | Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine |
Offical Language | Japanese |
Release Date | 2023-04-14 |
Release Status | Released |
OTT Platform | Not available on OTT right now. |
OTT Release Date | No information available on OTT Release date. |
Hit or Flop | Hit |
Director | Yuzuru Tachikawa |
Producer | Not Available, |
Writer | 櫻井武晴, 青山剛昌, 菅野祐悟, 立川譲, Julia Derungs, 岡田悠平, 近藤秀峰, 佐藤理緒, 須藤昌朋, 柏村明香, 浦上靖之, 須藤昌朋, 福島孝喜, 汐口武史, 岡田輝満, 浦上慶子, 中尾総子, 小岩寛満, 福田貴大, 西山仁, 石野貴久, 金井千夏, 大谷里恵, 増田由佳, 小澤和則, 石川慎亮, 車谷紗由美, 高崎由利, 青山剛昌, 櫻井哲也, 篠田貴臣, 谷垣慧実, 藤田理子, 中口聖太, 堀内博之, 西村幸恵, 井上那由多, 大沼由希, 小池響, 村山正直, 渡部弘子, 秦野好紹, 鬼澤佳代, 亀田祥倫, 摺木沙織, 栗崎健太朗, 小坂知, 高橋成之, 山縣亜紀, 黄捷, 早川淳一, 井元愛夕, 本橋秀之, 洞内梢, 松田萌, 金井次朗, 中尾友治, 高橋詩奈子, おだし, 鈴木FALCO, 原田幸枝, 岩井伸之, 松坂定俊, 石堀雅幸, 森田岳士, 大沢美奈, Claire Launay, 芳山優, 稲垣拓実, 次橋有紀, 甲藤円, 大友健一, 北原広大, 横山隆, 福永智子, 重原克也, 本吉晃子, 斉藤千恵, 伊東英樹, 野武洋行, なかじまちゅうじ, 佐々木恵子, とみながまり, 鳥居愛緒, 前田義宏, 朝日菜穂子, 長野まりえ, 岡田洋奈, 橋本敬史, 三浦厚也, 渡部ゆかり, 浦中利浩, 大島美和, 山崎正和, 寺岡巌, 佐藤智子, 餅田マコ, 吉見京子, 野武洋行, 中谷誠一, 中山見都美, 薦田かなえ, 徳永さやか, 川尻健太郎, 関みなみ, 荻野美希, 山縣クリカ, 八木原峰子, 細野明美, 牛ノ濱由惟, 川口隆, 挽本敦子, 斉藤茉利, 新宮祐介, 二宮奈那子, 新谷憲, 清水義治, 金井次朗, 岩井伸之, 森久司, 笹川弥幸, 高橋成之, 清水義治, 寺岡巌, Huynh Ngoc Long, 伊藤敦子, 小林学, Nguyen Trang, 佐藤勝, 岡部順, 渡邉丞, 寺岡巌, 荘司菜々絵, 佐藤千春, 林あいり, 石黒みづ紀, Bui Minh Phuoc, 柏村明香, 小原まりこ, 中小原明典, 久保剛成, 小倉伊織, 小林海聖, 井澤真緒, 小川隆久, 野口龍生, 蒲原有子, 高橋佑樹, 東海林里奈, 西山裕子, 山本三良, Sebastien Pons, 重川優輝, 川田敏寛, Le Mai, 平柳悟, 吉田愛理, 隈元萌絵, 堤谷奈津子, 福島孝喜, 佐藤択哉, 王葆祺, 市川幸彦, 山本咲良, 岡田遥斗, 佐藤紋, 澤見泰治, 中村瑛利子, 山田那央子, 上田瑞香, 樋口万祐, 佐々木明美, 榎本蓮, 押見綾, 春原幸子, 和田千帆, Nguyen Thi Nguyet Hieu, 根岸駿丞, 白尾仁志, 中谷修, 吉田雅紀, 池田裕輔, 米屋真一, 大坪聡, 安田猛, 桧垣仁希, Nguyen Thi Thu Hoa, 竹花祐介, 木下晋輔, 藤井王之王, 桑原琴美, 小須田一樹, 渡邉みゆ, 丹羽結雅, 北村康泰, 河崎大樹, |
Budget | $ 0 |
Collection / Revenue | $ 106,771,806 |
Country | Japan |
Production Companyies | Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine TMS Entertainment, Shogakukan, Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, Nippon Television Network Corporation, Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, TOHO, |
Movie Genre | Animation, Action, Crime, Mystery |
Many engineers from around the world gather at the Interpol marine facility "Pacific Buoy" on Hachijo-jima, in the sea south of central Tokyo Prefecture coast, to witness the launch of a new system that connects all law enforcement camera systems around the world and enables facial recognition worldwide. Conan, along with his friends Kogoro, Ran, Agasa, Haibara, and the Detective Boys, also heads to the island with an invitation from Sonoko to see the whales. He receives a message from Subaru, who says that a Europol agent has been murdered in Germany by Gin. Perturbed, Conan sneaks onto the police ship led by Kuroda, which is bringing them to the island to protect the completion work, and tours the new facility, just in time for the Black Organization to kidnap a female engineer, seeking a piece of important data in her USB drive. A terrifying howl of screws is heard from the ocean as an unknown person approaches Haibara.
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Minami Takayama, Wakana Yamazaki, Rikiya Koyama, Megumi Hayashibara, Shuichi Ikeda and it was directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa and produce by Not Available, it has a rating of 6.896 / 10 with total votes count to 106 and it is a Hit Movie.
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine was co - produce by the studio TMS Entertainment, Shogakukan, Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, Nippon Television Network Corporation, Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, TOHO, and produce by Not Available, , with a budget of $ 0 and a total collection of $ 106,771,806 and it is a Hit Movie.
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine has a budget of $ 0 and a total collection of $ 106,771,806 and it was co - produce by the studio TMS Entertainment, Shogakukan, Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, Nippon Television Network Corporation, Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, TOHO, conclusion, Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarineis a captivating film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through life, love, and the unexpected twists that shape human relationships. With its engaging storyline, strong performances, and impressive production, this movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking films. It beautifully highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.
Who is the director of the Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie?
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine was directrd by Yuzuru Tachikawa.
Who is the producer of the Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie?
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine was directrd by Not Available, .
What is the genre of the Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie?
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine falls into the genre of Animation, Action, Crime, Mystery .
What is the release date of the Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie?
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine was released on 2023-04-14.
What is the running time or duration of the Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie?
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine has a running time of 110 minutes.
Who wrote Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie?
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine is written by 櫻井武晴, 青山剛昌, 菅野祐悟, 立川譲, Julia Derungs, 岡田悠平, 近藤秀峰, 佐藤理緒, 須藤昌朋, 柏村明香, 浦上靖之, 須藤昌朋, 福島孝喜, 汐口武史, 岡田輝満, 浦上慶子, 中尾総子, 小岩寛満, 福田貴大, 西山仁, 石野貴久, 金井千夏, 大谷里恵, 増田由佳, 小澤和則, 石川慎亮, 車谷紗由美, 高崎由利, 青山剛昌, 櫻井哲也, 篠田貴臣, 谷垣慧実, 藤田理子, 中口聖太, 堀内博之, 西村幸恵, 井上那由多, 大沼由希, 小池響, 村山正直, 渡部弘子, 秦野好紹, 鬼澤佳代, 亀田祥倫, 摺木沙織, 栗崎健太朗, 小坂知, 高橋成之, 山縣亜紀, 黄捷, 早川淳一, 井元愛夕, 本橋秀之, 洞内梢, 松田萌, 金井次朗, 中尾友治, 高橋詩奈子, おだし, 鈴木FALCO, 原田幸枝, 岩井伸之, 松坂定俊, 石堀雅幸, 森田岳士, 大沢美奈, Claire Launay, 芳山優, 稲垣拓実, 次橋有紀, 甲藤円, 大友健一, 北原広大, 横山隆, 福永智子, 重原克也, 本吉晃子, 斉藤千恵, 伊東英樹, 野武洋行, なかじまちゅうじ, 佐々木恵子, とみながまり, 鳥居愛緒, 前田義宏, 朝日菜穂子, 長野まりえ, 岡田洋奈, 橋本敬史, 三浦厚也, 渡部ゆかり, 浦中利浩, 大島美和, 山崎正和, 寺岡巌, 佐藤智子, 餅田マコ, 吉見京子, 野武洋行, 中谷誠一, 中山見都美, 薦田かなえ, 徳永さやか, 川尻健太郎, 関みなみ, 荻野美希, 山縣クリカ, 八木原峰子, 細野明美, 牛ノ濱由惟, 川口隆, 挽本敦子, 斉藤茉利, 新宮祐介, 二宮奈那子, 新谷憲, 清水義治, 金井次朗, 岩井伸之, 森久司, 笹川弥幸, 高橋成之, 清水義治, 寺岡巌, Huynh Ngoc Long, 伊藤敦子, 小林学, Nguyen Trang, 佐藤勝, 岡部順, 渡邉丞, 寺岡巌, 荘司菜々絵, 佐藤千春, 林あいり, 石黒みづ紀, Bui Minh Phuoc, 柏村明香, 小原まりこ, 中小原明典, 久保剛成, 小倉伊織, 小林海聖, 井澤真緒, 小川隆久, 野口龍生, 蒲原有子, 高橋佑樹, 東海林里奈, 西山裕子, 山本三良, Sebastien Pons, 重川優輝, 川田敏寛, Le Mai, 平柳悟, 吉田愛理, 隈元萌絵, 堤谷奈津子, 福島孝喜, 佐藤択哉, 王葆祺, 市川幸彦, 山本咲良, 岡田遥斗, 佐藤紋, 澤見泰治, 中村瑛利子, 山田那央子, 上田瑞香, 樋口万祐, 佐々木明美, 榎本蓮, 押見綾, 春原幸子, 和田千帆, Nguyen Thi Nguyet Hieu, 根岸駿丞, 白尾仁志, 中谷修, 吉田雅紀, 池田裕輔, 米屋真一, 大坪聡, 安田猛, 桧垣仁希, Nguyen Thi Thu Hoa, 竹花祐介, 木下晋輔, 藤井王之王, 桑原琴美, 小須田一樹, 渡邉みゆ, 丹羽結雅, 北村康泰, 河崎大樹,
What is the budget of the Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie?
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine is made with the budget of $ 0.
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Hit or Flop?
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 106,771,806.
Where to watch the Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie?
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine Movie can be watched on Not available on OTT right now..