The Movie Dunki falls under the Adventure, Comedy, Drama genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.
The Movie Dunki is being produce with the collaboration of the studio Red Chillies Entertainment, Rajkumar Hirani Films, Jio Studios,
Dunki was released on 2023-12-21 and the total runtime of the Movie is going to be 159 minutes and the status of the Movie is Released.
The Movie Dunki was released on 2023-12-21, and has a total runtime of 159 minutes. The Movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Adventure, Comedy, Drama, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Dunki Movie can be watched at Netflix.
Title | Description |
Movie Name | Dunki |
Offical Language | Hindi Punjabi |
Release Date | 2023-12-21 |
Release Status | Released |
OTT Platform | Netflix |
OTT Release Date | N/A |
Hit or Flop | Hit |
Director | Rajkumar Hirani |
Producer | Gauri Khan, Rajkumar Hirani, Jyoti Deshpande, Shah Rukh Khan, |
Writer | Abhijat Joshi, Kanika Dhillon, Rajkumar Hirani, Karan Narvekar, |
Budget | $ 239,000,000 |
Collection / Revenue | $ 501,000,000 |
Country | India |
Production Companyies | Dunki Red Chillies Entertainment, Rajkumar Hirani Films, Jio Studios, |
Movie Genre | Adventure, Comedy, Drama |
Four friends from a quiet Punjab village share a common dream: to travel to England. Lacking visas and tickets, their lives take a turn when a soldier arrives and promises to help them reach their dream destination. What follows is a hilarious and heartwarming adventure filled with challenges as they journey through deserts and seas, while also navigating the depths of their own minds.
Dunki Movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu, Vikram Kochhar, Anil Grover, Boman Irani and it was directed by Rajkumar Hirani and produce by Gauri Khan, Rajkumar Hirani, Jyoti Deshpande, Shah Rukh Khan, it has a rating of 6.3 / 10 with total votes count to 71 and it is a Hit Movie.
Dunki was co - produce by the studio Red Chillies Entertainment, Rajkumar Hirani Films, Jio Studios, and produce by Gauri Khan, Rajkumar Hirani, Jyoti Deshpande, Shah Rukh Khan, , with a budget of $ 239,000,000 and a total collection of $ 501,000,000 and it is a Hit Movie.
Dunki has a budget of $ 239,000,000 and a total collection of $ 501,000,000 and it was co - produce by the studio Red Chillies Entertainment, Rajkumar Hirani Films, Jio Studios, conclusion, *Dunki* is a highly anticipated drama directed by Rajkumar Hirani, featuring Shah Rukh Khan in a poignant narrative that addresses the issue of illegal immigration and the struggle for a better life. The film follows the journey of a man who seeks to escape his challenging circumstances through a perilous journey abroad. With its compelling storyline, emotional depth, and Hirani\'s signature blend of humor and heart, *Dunki* aims to shed light on the complexities of migration and the human spirit\'s resilience. With a budget of approximately ₹200 crore, the film is expected to perform well at the box office, given Shah Rukh Khan\'s massive fanbase and the film\'s socially relevant themes. As it hits theaters, *Dunki* is poised to leave a lasting impact on audiences, combining entertainment with a thought-provoking message.
Who is the director of the Dunki Movie?
Dunki was directrd by Rajkumar Hirani.
Who is the producer of the Dunki Movie?
Dunki was directrd by Gauri Khan, Rajkumar Hirani, Jyoti Deshpande, Shah Rukh Khan, .
What is the genre of the Dunki Movie?
Dunki falls into the genre of Adventure, Comedy, Drama .
What is the release date of the Dunki Movie?
Dunki was released on 2023-12-21.
What is the running time or duration of the Dunki Movie?
Dunki has a running time of 159 minutes.
Who wrote Dunki Movie?
Dunki is written by Abhijat Joshi, Kanika Dhillon, Rajkumar Hirani, Karan Narvekar,
What is the budget of the Dunki Movie?
Dunki is made with the budget of $ 239,000,000.
Dunki Hit or Flop?
Dunki was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 501,000,000.
Where to watch the Dunki Movie?
Dunki Movie can be watched on Netflix.