6.2 / 10
Never Let Go hdhub4u
Never Let Go hdhub4u


Alexandre Aja


Shawn Levy, Dan Cohen, Alexandre Aja,

Never Let Go hdhub4u 2024-09-18

Horror / Drama

BUDGET - $20,000,000

Never Let Go hdhub4u

The genre of the Never Let Go movie is Horror, Drama. The movie was directed by Alexandre Aja.

The movie was produce by Shawn Levy, Dan Cohen, Alexandre Aja, with the collaboration of the studio Lionsgate, 21 Laps Entertainment, Media Capital Technologies, HalleHolly,

Never Let Go was released on 2024-09-18 and the total runtime of the movie is going to be 101 minutes and the status of the movie is Released.

Never Let Go overview and crew info

Title Description
Movie Name Never Let Go
Offical Language English
Release Date 2024-09-18
Release Status Released
OTT Platform Amazon Prime Video
OTT Release Date TBA
Hit or Flop Flop
Director Alexandre Aja
Producer Shawn Levy, Dan Cohen, Alexandre Aja,
Writer Ryan Grassby, Kevin Coughlin,
Budget $ 20,000,000
Collection / Revenue $ 13,111,608
Country United States of America
Production Companyies Lionsgate, 21 Laps Entertainment, Media Capital Technologies, HalleHolly,

Never Let Go Story or Plot

As darkness spreads across the world beyond their front doorstep, a mother and her twin sons find that the only sanctuary they have is their home and the unbreakable bond of their family. Together, they must rely on their love and resilience to shield themselves from the encroaching evil and navigate the challenges that threaten to tear them apart.

Never Let Go Screenshots and Images

Never Let Go

Never Let Go Rating

Never Let Go movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Halle Berry, Anthony B. Jenkins, William Catlett, Percy Daggs IV, Matthew Kevin Anderson and it was directed by Alexandre Aja and produce by Shawn Levy, Dan Cohen, Alexandre Aja, it has a rating of 6.2 / 10 with total votes count to 145 and it is a Flop movie.

Never Let Go Review

Never Let Go was co - produce by the studio Lionsgate, 21 Laps Entertainment, Media Capital Technologies, HalleHolly, and produce by Shawn Levy, Dan Cohen, Alexandre Aja, , with a budget of $ 20,000,000 and a total collection of $ 13,111,608 and it is a Flop movie.

Never Let Go Budget

Never Let Go has a budget of $ 20,000,000 and a total collection of $ 13,111,608 and it was co - produce by the studio Lionsgate, 21 Laps Entertainment, Media Capital Technologies, HalleHolly,

Filmiposters.com conclusion, *Never Let Go* is a gripping thriller that combines intense drama with themes of resilience and the fight for justice. The story follows a mother\'s desperate quest to save her child from a dangerous abductor, showcasing her unwavering determination and courage. With suspenseful storytelling and strong performances, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, highlighting the lengths a parent will go to protect their loved ones. Ultimately, *Never Let Go* is a compelling tale of love, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of a mother.


Who is the director of the Never Let Go movie?

Never Let Go was directrd by Alexandre Aja.

Who is the producer of the Never Let Go movie?

Never Let Go was directrd by Shawn Levy, Dan Cohen, Alexandre Aja, .

What is the genre of the Never Let Go movie?

Never Let Go falls into the genre of Horror / Drama ."

What is the release date of the Never Let Go movie?

Never Let Go was released on 2024-09-18.

What is the running time or duration of the Never Let Go movie?

Never Let Go has a running time of 101 minutes.

Who wrote Never Let Go movie?

Never Let Go is written by Ryan Grassby, Kevin Coughlin,

What is the budget of the Never Let Go movie?

Never Let Go is made with the budget of $ 20,000,000.

Never Let Go Hit or Flop?

Never Let Go was a Flop with a collection / revenue of $ 13,111,608.

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All Images Credit - TMDB