Poor Things filmyzilla

Poor Things filmyzilla 2023-12-08

Science Fiction, Romance, Comedy

BUDGET - $ 35,000,000

Poor Things filmyzilla

The Movie Poor Things falls under the Science Fiction, Romance, Comedy genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.

The Movie Poor Things is being produce with the collaboration of the studio Searchlight Pictures, Film4 Productions, TSG Entertainment, Element Pictures, Limp, Fruit Tree,

Poor Things was released on 2023-12-08 and the total runtime of the Movie is going to be 141 minutes and the status of the Movie is Released.

The Movie Poor Things was released on 2023-12-08, and has a total runtime of 141 minutes. The Movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Science Fiction, Romance, Comedy, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Poor Things Movie can be watched at Not available on OTT right now..

Poor Things overview and crew info

Title Description
Movie Name Poor Things
Offical Language English French Portuguese
Release Date 2023-12-08
Release Status Released
OTT Platform Not available on OTT right now.
OTT Release Date No information available on OTT Release date.
Hit or Flop Hit
Director Yorgos Lanthimos
Producer Not Available,
Writer Yorgos Lanthimos, Γιώργος Μαυροψαρίδης, Ildikó Kemény, Kasia Malipan, David Minkowski, Mónika Nagy, Nadia Stacey, Paula Shanahan, Alex Harper, Renátó Cseh, Bence Kalmár, Géza Kerti, Adam A. Makin, Peter Várdai, James Lewis, Jonathan Houlding, Nadia Stacey, Shona Heath, Holly Waddington, Kinga Kosá-Gavalda, Brendan Feeney, Max Behrens, Simon Carroll, Simon Carroll, Dániel Szabó, Tallulah Baker, Tom Feist-Wilson, Stephen Murphy, Deborah Harding, Eszter Kerekes, Bori Szarvas, Zemlényi András, Joshua Brownwood, Farkas Esztella, Edoardo Petti, Barnabas Regensburger, Roxana Szarisz, Dora Takacs, Lili Lea Abraham, András Ajtai, Andras Balogh, Jonas Bethge, Vince Boldog, Linda Bándi, Cecília Bárdos, Budai Csaba, Gabor Csernus, Lilla Dévényi, Anna Döbrössy, Csongor Egyed, László Tibor Erdélyi, Hanna Eros, Florian Fickert, Gergely Fodor, Carlotta Giacomin, Miklós Hatvani-Deàk, Judith Hynes, Balázs M. Kovács, Zsófia Kóthay, Gábor Magyar, Orsolya Maza, Eszter Mazányi, Salwa McGill, Dániel Miklós, Antonio Niculae, Eszter Sebők, Júlia Sebök, Thomas Staniforth, Toldi Veronika, Zoltán Virányi-Fontan, Plum Woods, Steven X. Haber, Emma Stone, Paul Jones, Olga Abramson, Péter Böszörményi, Péter Fedor, Ákos Gulyás, Máté Kecskeméti, Márk Komáromi, Károly Lakatos, Csaba Mecseki, Atsushi Nishijima, Pantea Pakniyat, Rory Power, György Réder, Gabor Schmidt, Ármin Szilágyi, Attila Szücs, Richter Viktor, Katalin Baranyi, Lucy Jordan, Lucy Smith, Jessica Straker, János Cserven, Dora Simko, Loránd Molnár, Sarah Giles, Sophie Bugeaud, Eleanor Bull, Vincent Dumas, Timea Luzsi, Dóra Hegedüs, Zoe Nemes, George Sayer, Zsuzsa Stenger, Rajmund Szórád, Richard Martin, Mercédesz Czanka, László Hargittai, Zoltán Ká, Tímea Nemes, Dénes Bacsu, Bára Barová, Éva Csicsmanczai, Hugo Currie, Ivan K. Germano, Bela Kiss, Tamás Kádár, Jamie Paisley, Christophe Dimitri Réveille, Sairh Sheikh, Ellen Steers, Neil Swain, Bernadett Szalai, Sophie Alexandra Medhurst, Tamás Dévényi, Bence Németh, Nándor Szirtes, Viktória Magyar, Balázs Hoffmann, Gábor Kiszelly, Tim Barter, Albena Ivanova, James Panting, Levente Safrany, Ildikó Szücs, Vasilis Marmatakis, Judit Halász, Emer O'Shea, Zsuzsa Mihalek, Viktor Belágyi, Dixie Chassay, Brigitta Katona, Norbert Földi, 'Kis Gromek' László Molnár, Norbert Pelle, Heller Bertalan, Andy Cole, Attila Bilik, Menráth András, Zoltán Magony, Krisztina Barkóczy, Dávid Virágh, Almási Zsombor, Zsolt Farkas, Hayley Williams, Sebastian Lochmann, Robbie Ryan, Johnnie Burn, James Price, Gabor Szabo, Constanza Macras, Alasdair Gray, Elle McAlpine, Miklós Szentváry-Lukács, Josh Weston, Robin Pritchard, Vasilis Marmatakis, Mark Coulier, Dawid Konecki, Kamil Kwiatkowski, Natalia Lubowiecka, Ewa Mazurkiewicz, Joe Mount, Jeff Smith, Filip Stefanowski, Jacek Wiśniewski, Jake Schick, Claire Campbell, Adelaide Filippe, Levente Györgypál, Andrew Woolley, Brett Bone, Eric Jacobo, James Roberts, Siân Venables, Yann Vlamynck, Jonathan Jean-Marie Wannyn, Sophie Mason, Brett Rayner, Levente Salma, Johnnie Burn, Johnnie Burn, Jerskin Fendrix, Daniel Battsek, Ollie Madden, Tristan Oliver, Yorgos Lanthimos, Ed Guiney, Andrew Lowe, Tony McNamara, Matthew Moss, Cristina Cretu,
Budget $ 35,000,000
Collection / Revenue $ 117,607,117
Country Ireland United Kingdom United States of America
Production Companyies Poor Things Searchlight Pictures, Film4 Productions, TSG Entertainment, Element Pictures, Limp, Fruit Tree,
Movie Genre Science Fiction, Romance, Comedy

Poor Things Story or Plot

Brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist, a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the prejudices of her times, she grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and liberation.

Poor Things Screenshots and Images

Poor Things

Poor Things Rating

Poor Things Movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, Willem Dafoe, Ramy Youssef, Christopher Abbott and it was directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and produce by Not Available, it has a rating of 7.72 / 10 with total votes count to 4293 and it is a Hit Movie.

Poor Things Review

Poor Things was co - produce by the studio Searchlight Pictures, Film4 Productions, TSG Entertainment, Element Pictures, Limp, Fruit Tree, and produce by Not Available, , with a budget of $ 35,000,000 and a total collection of $ 117,607,117 and it is a Hit Movie.

Poor Things Budget

Poor Things has a budget of $ 35,000,000 and a total collection of $ 117,607,117 and it was co - produce by the studio Searchlight Pictures, Film4 Productions, TSG Entertainment, Element Pictures, Limp, Fruit Tree,

Filmiposters.com conclusion, Poor Thingsis a captivating film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through life, love, and the unexpected twists that shape human relationships. With its engaging storyline, strong performances, and impressive production, this movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking films. It beautifully highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.


Who is the director of the Poor Things Movie?

Poor Things was directrd by Yorgos Lanthimos.

Who is the producer of the Poor Things Movie?

Poor Things was directrd by Not Available, .

What is the genre of the Poor Things Movie?

Poor Things falls into the genre of Science Fiction, Romance, Comedy .

What is the release date of the Poor Things Movie?

Poor Things was released on 2023-12-08.

What is the running time or duration of the Poor Things Movie?

Poor Things has a running time of 141 minutes.

Who wrote Poor Things Movie?

Poor Things is written by Yorgos Lanthimos, Γιώργος Μαυροψαρίδης, Ildikó Kemény, Kasia Malipan, David Minkowski, Mónika Nagy, Nadia Stacey, Paula Shanahan, Alex Harper, Renátó Cseh, Bence Kalmár, Géza Kerti, Adam A. Makin, Peter Várdai, James Lewis, Jonathan Houlding, Nadia Stacey, Shona Heath, Holly Waddington, Kinga Kosá-Gavalda, Brendan Feeney, Max Behrens, Simon Carroll, Simon Carroll, Dániel Szabó, Tallulah Baker, Tom Feist-Wilson, Stephen Murphy, Deborah Harding, Eszter Kerekes, Bori Szarvas, Zemlényi András, Joshua Brownwood, Farkas Esztella, Edoardo Petti, Barnabas Regensburger, Roxana Szarisz, Dora Takacs, Lili Lea Abraham, András Ajtai, Andras Balogh, Jonas Bethge, Vince Boldog, Linda Bándi, Cecília Bárdos, Budai Csaba, Gabor Csernus, Lilla Dévényi, Anna Döbrössy, Csongor Egyed, László Tibor Erdélyi, Hanna Eros, Florian Fickert, Gergely Fodor, Carlotta Giacomin, Miklós Hatvani-Deàk, Judith Hynes, Balázs M. Kovács, Zsófia Kóthay, Gábor Magyar, Orsolya Maza, Eszter Mazányi, Salwa McGill, Dániel Miklós, Antonio Niculae, Eszter Sebők, Júlia Sebök, Thomas Staniforth, Toldi Veronika, Zoltán Virányi-Fontan, Plum Woods, Steven X. Haber, Emma Stone, Paul Jones, Olga Abramson, Péter Böszörményi, Péter Fedor, Ákos Gulyás, Máté Kecskeméti, Márk Komáromi, Károly Lakatos, Csaba Mecseki, Atsushi Nishijima, Pantea Pakniyat, Rory Power, György Réder, Gabor Schmidt, Ármin Szilágyi, Attila Szücs, Richter Viktor, Katalin Baranyi, Lucy Jordan, Lucy Smith, Jessica Straker, János Cserven, Dora Simko, Loránd Molnár, Sarah Giles, Sophie Bugeaud, Eleanor Bull, Vincent Dumas, Timea Luzsi, Dóra Hegedüs, Zoe Nemes, George Sayer, Zsuzsa Stenger, Rajmund Szórád, Richard Martin, Mercédesz Czanka, László Hargittai, Zoltán Ká, Tímea Nemes, Dénes Bacsu, Bára Barová, Éva Csicsmanczai, Hugo Currie, Ivan K. Germano, Bela Kiss, Tamás Kádár, Jamie Paisley, Christophe Dimitri Réveille, Sairh Sheikh, Ellen Steers, Neil Swain, Bernadett Szalai, Sophie Alexandra Medhurst, Tamás Dévényi, Bence Németh, Nándor Szirtes, Viktória Magyar, Balázs Hoffmann, Gábor Kiszelly, Tim Barter, Albena Ivanova, James Panting, Levente Safrany, Ildikó Szücs, Vasilis Marmatakis, Judit Halász, Emer O'Shea, Zsuzsa Mihalek, Viktor Belágyi, Dixie Chassay, Brigitta Katona, Norbert Földi, 'Kis Gromek' László Molnár, Norbert Pelle, Heller Bertalan, Andy Cole, Attila Bilik, Menráth András, Zoltán Magony, Krisztina Barkóczy, Dávid Virágh, Almási Zsombor, Zsolt Farkas, Hayley Williams, Sebastian Lochmann, Robbie Ryan, Johnnie Burn, James Price, Gabor Szabo, Constanza Macras, Alasdair Gray, Elle McAlpine, Miklós Szentváry-Lukács, Josh Weston, Robin Pritchard, Vasilis Marmatakis, Mark Coulier, Dawid Konecki, Kamil Kwiatkowski, Natalia Lubowiecka, Ewa Mazurkiewicz, Joe Mount, Jeff Smith, Filip Stefanowski, Jacek Wiśniewski, Jake Schick, Claire Campbell, Adelaide Filippe, Levente Györgypál, Andrew Woolley, Brett Bone, Eric Jacobo, James Roberts, Siân Venables, Yann Vlamynck, Jonathan Jean-Marie Wannyn, Sophie Mason, Brett Rayner, Levente Salma, Johnnie Burn, Johnnie Burn, Jerskin Fendrix, Daniel Battsek, Ollie Madden, Tristan Oliver, Yorgos Lanthimos, Ed Guiney, Andrew Lowe, Tony McNamara, Matthew Moss, Cristina Cretu,

What is the budget of the Poor Things Movie?

Poor Things is made with the budget of $ 35,000,000.

Poor Things Hit or Flop?

Poor Things was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 117,607,117.

Where to watch the Poor Things Movie?

Poor Things Movie can be watched on Not available on OTT right now..