The Movie The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 falls under the Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Romance genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Bill Condon, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.
The Movie The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is being produce with the collaboration of the studio Summit Entertainment, Temple Hill Entertainment, Sunswept Entertainment, Lionsgate,
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 was released on 2012-11-13 and the total runtime of the Movie is going to be 115 minutes and the status of the Movie is Released.
The Movie The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 was released on 2012-11-13, and has a total runtime of 115 minutes. The Movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Romance, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Bill Condon, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie can be watched at Not available on OTT right now..
Title | Description |
Movie Name | The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 |
Offical Language | English |
Release Date | 2012-11-13 |
Release Status | Released |
OTT Platform | Not available on OTT right now. |
OTT Release Date | No information available on OTT Release date. |
Hit or Flop | Hit |
Director | Bill Condon |
Producer | Not Available, |
Writer | Bill Condon, Stephenie Meyer, Melissa Rosenberg, Carter Burwell, Richard Sherman, Guillermo Navarro, Virginia Katz, Ian Slater, Lorin Flemming, Michael Wilkinson, Janene Carleton, Brett Armstrong, Andrea Kinsky, Michael Farrow, Krista Bell, Bill Bannerman, Justin Muller, John M. Morse, Jeff Imada, Troy Sizemore, Ruth Hasty, Steve C. Aaron, Ryan Farris, Rick Stribling, Chris Navarro, Christopher T. Welch, Nerses Gezalyan, Robert Althoff, Michael J. Burmeister, Janna Roach, Ty Landry, Brent Boates, Gary Damian Thomas, Phillip Norwood, Mark Vena, Reba Saul, Sarah P. Koeppe, Meghan Cornay, Megan Coates, Shonta T. McCray, Annette Farnsworth, Renee Ragucci, Heather Rae Miller, Rodney Williamson, Colette Delacroix, Frances Jacques-LeCompte, Janet Melody, Mollie Middleditch, Richard De Alba, Karen Lovell, Gianna Sparacino, Margeaux Fox, Clariss Morgan, Lisa Hazell, Melizah Anguiano Wheat, Angela Quiles, Steve Cainas, Diana Ascher, Jeremy Roberts, Shayna Markowitz, Lisa Mae Fincannon, Craig Fincannon, Elizabeth Coulon, Toni Atterbury, Skylar Gorrell, Cristina Patterson, Jessica Nelson, Randall S. Coe, Robert Foster Jr., Tom Goodrich, E.J. Foerster, Greg Zenon, Dylan Hopkins, David Hallinan, Edson Williams, Thomas Nittmann, Robert Olsson, Syd Dutton, Ralph Maiers, Rocco Passionino, Lauren Weidel, Joey Bonander, Kenton Rannie, Chris Derochie, Scott Fritts, Arlend Engar, Matt Anderson, Kevin Struckman, Sébastien Moreau, Isabelle Langlois, Laetitia Seguin, Laurent Spillemaecker, Christian Morin, Sebastien Veilleux, Simon Devault, André Ü Montambeault, Vincent Poitras, Jean-Francois Burdin, Simon Mercier, Moika Sabourin, Francois Croteau, Matthieu Veillette, Christine Leclerc, Carl Gagnon, Raphael Letertre, Mahmoud Rahnama, Josa Leah 'SDB' Porter, Somboun Souannhaphanh, Mihaela Orzea, Toshiko Miura, Tristan Zerafa, Rickey Verma, Elizabeth Holmes, John Dinh, Pedram Ziaei, Jeff Campbell, George Macri, Peter Giliberti, Tim Sibley, Tim Alexander, James Chretien, Jongju Lee, Chris Ankli, Derick Loo, Bruce Woloshyn, Riley McDougall, Loan Phan, Lisa Tutunjian, Yvan Lucas, Christopher Willis, Bill Condon, Wyck Godfrey, Stephenie Meyer, Debra Zane, Jimmy Almeida, Mike Wilson, Chuck Duke, Howard R. Campbell, Andy Hass, Yuhon Ng, Clint Carleton, Karen Rosenfelt, Nate Fredenburg, David Schlesinger, Jaclyn Kenney, K. Emily Levine, Doug Hardwick, Jeffery J. Tufano, Michael Applebaum, Brown Cooper, Sean M. Harding, Sean Oxenbury, Earl Woods, John Trapman, Nicholas Davidoff, David Crone, Andrew Cooper, Doane Gregory, Bob Bates, Christopher M. Fisher, Bryan Delorenzo, Timothy James Kane, Peter D. Roome, Kevin McCloy, Ted Sapp, Tom Gibbons, Earl Paraszczynec, Charles Rose, Joel Sevilla, Mikaël Damant-Sirois, Ahmed Shehata, Michael Cliett, Scott Singer, Leslie Adkins-Garza, Andrew G. Cox, Donn Kennedy, Ronald B. Moore, Suzanne Murarik, Yimi Tong, Blaise Panfalone, Niketa Roman, Cassy Vasile, Brad Minnich, Kosta Saric, Josh Sutherland, Mark Edward Wright, Steve McLeod, Brandon Terry, Michael Cavanaugh, Karen M. Murphy, Robin Griffin, Ryan Robertson, Sean Cossey, J.J. Ogilvy, Pamela Pearl, Alison Fraser, Stacy Caballero, Dan Bronson, Paul Becker, Jessica Lichtner, Adam Milo Smalley, Alexandra Patsavas, Sonny Kompanek, Robert Ulrich, Stephanie Flack, Gary A. Hecker, Gary Marullo, Dane A. Davis, David A. Whittaker, Tony Lamberti, Michael Minkler, Matthew W. Kielkopf, Dane A. Davis, Beatrice De Alba, Bonnie Clevering, Susan Germaine, Forest Sala, Jean Ann Black, Stacey Panepinto, Rolf John Keppler, Amanda McGowan, Bob Kretschmer, Vanessa Galvez, Jason Dale, Jeremy Stanbridge, Rochelle Okoye, Phil Tippett, Ainslie Thomas, Karin Silvestri, Elizabeth Davidovich, Zandara Kennedy, Jacob Kabel, Shawn Kautz, Bevin Kaye, Brian Ho, Adrian Hein, Brian Hite, Brian Imada, Jake Huang, Lani Gelera, Adam Hart, Christopher Gordon, Jayson Dumenigo, Kofi Elam, Richard Cetrone, Mike Carpenter, Kimberly Chiang, Garvin Cross, Stacey Carino, Shawn Beaton, Stanton Barrett, Freddy Bouciegues, Jay Amor, Ed Anders, Byron Brisco, Jessika Brodosi, Chris Brewster, Fraser Corbett, Anis Cheurfa, Holland Diaz, Paul Darnell, Roel Failma, Dawn Dininger, Caroline Field, Christian J. Fletcher, Jeff Galpin, Kiralee Hayashi, Kory Grim, Leif Havdale, Guillermo Grispo, Jon Kralt, Sam Looc, Michael Li, Brian Lydiatt, Phillip Mitchell, Anthony David Moyer, Atlin Mitchell, David Mueller, Josh Mueller, Hugh Aodh O'Brien, Gabriel Nunez, Louis Paquette, Bridgett Riley, Dan Pelchat, Matthew Rugetti, James Ryan, William Scharpf, Patrick Sabongui, Todd Scott, Matt Thompson, Luke Sexton, Aaron Toney, Travis Wong, Steve Upton, Jon Valera, Sonnie Trotter, Kye Walstrom, Kofi Yiadom, Samantha Win, Eli Zagoudakis, John Zimmerman, John Mann, Rick Newsome, Marny Eng, Mike Szakmeister, Mike Szakmeister, Michael Sabo, Nevin Swain, Roger Vernon, John Bruno, Bill Bannerman, Marty Bowen, Barbara Kelly, Greg Mooradian, Mark Morgan, Guy Oseary, Jerad Marantz, Q Fortier, Jason Sweers, |
Budget | $ 120,000,000 |
Collection / Revenue | $ 829,747,654 |
Country | United States of America |
Production Companyies | The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Summit Entertainment, Temple Hill Entertainment, Sunswept Entertainment, Lionsgate, |
Movie Genre | Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Romance |
After the birth of Renesmee, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser and it was directed by Bill Condon and produce by Not Available, it has a rating of 6.5 / 10 with total votes count to 8909 and it is a Hit Movie.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 was co - produce by the studio Summit Entertainment, Temple Hill Entertainment, Sunswept Entertainment, Lionsgate, and produce by Not Available, , with a budget of $ 120,000,000 and a total collection of $ 829,747,654 and it is a Hit Movie.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 has a budget of $ 120,000,000 and a total collection of $ 829,747,654 and it was co - produce by the studio Summit Entertainment, Temple Hill Entertainment, Sunswept Entertainment, Lionsgate, conclusion, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2is a captivating film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through life, love, and the unexpected twists that shape human relationships. With its engaging storyline, strong performances, and impressive production, this movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking films. It beautifully highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.
Who is the director of the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 was directrd by Bill Condon.
Who is the producer of the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 was directrd by Not Available, .
What is the genre of the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 falls into the genre of Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Romance .
What is the release date of the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 was released on 2012-11-13.
What is the running time or duration of the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 has a running time of 115 minutes.
Who wrote The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is written by Bill Condon, Stephenie Meyer, Melissa Rosenberg, Carter Burwell, Richard Sherman, Guillermo Navarro, Virginia Katz, Ian Slater, Lorin Flemming, Michael Wilkinson, Janene Carleton, Brett Armstrong, Andrea Kinsky, Michael Farrow, Krista Bell, Bill Bannerman, Justin Muller, John M. Morse, Jeff Imada, Troy Sizemore, Ruth Hasty, Steve C. Aaron, Ryan Farris, Rick Stribling, Chris Navarro, Christopher T. Welch, Nerses Gezalyan, Robert Althoff, Michael J. Burmeister, Janna Roach, Ty Landry, Brent Boates, Gary Damian Thomas, Phillip Norwood, Mark Vena, Reba Saul, Sarah P. Koeppe, Meghan Cornay, Megan Coates, Shonta T. McCray, Annette Farnsworth, Renee Ragucci, Heather Rae Miller, Rodney Williamson, Colette Delacroix, Frances Jacques-LeCompte, Janet Melody, Mollie Middleditch, Richard De Alba, Karen Lovell, Gianna Sparacino, Margeaux Fox, Clariss Morgan, Lisa Hazell, Melizah Anguiano Wheat, Angela Quiles, Steve Cainas, Diana Ascher, Jeremy Roberts, Shayna Markowitz, Lisa Mae Fincannon, Craig Fincannon, Elizabeth Coulon, Toni Atterbury, Skylar Gorrell, Cristina Patterson, Jessica Nelson, Randall S. Coe, Robert Foster Jr., Tom Goodrich, E.J. Foerster, Greg Zenon, Dylan Hopkins, David Hallinan, Edson Williams, Thomas Nittmann, Robert Olsson, Syd Dutton, Ralph Maiers, Rocco Passionino, Lauren Weidel, Joey Bonander, Kenton Rannie, Chris Derochie, Scott Fritts, Arlend Engar, Matt Anderson, Kevin Struckman, Sébastien Moreau, Isabelle Langlois, Laetitia Seguin, Laurent Spillemaecker, Christian Morin, Sebastien Veilleux, Simon Devault, André Ü Montambeault, Vincent Poitras, Jean-Francois Burdin, Simon Mercier, Moika Sabourin, Francois Croteau, Matthieu Veillette, Christine Leclerc, Carl Gagnon, Raphael Letertre, Mahmoud Rahnama, Josa Leah 'SDB' Porter, Somboun Souannhaphanh, Mihaela Orzea, Toshiko Miura, Tristan Zerafa, Rickey Verma, Elizabeth Holmes, John Dinh, Pedram Ziaei, Jeff Campbell, George Macri, Peter Giliberti, Tim Sibley, Tim Alexander, James Chretien, Jongju Lee, Chris Ankli, Derick Loo, Bruce Woloshyn, Riley McDougall, Loan Phan, Lisa Tutunjian, Yvan Lucas, Christopher Willis, Bill Condon, Wyck Godfrey, Stephenie Meyer, Debra Zane, Jimmy Almeida, Mike Wilson, Chuck Duke, Howard R. Campbell, Andy Hass, Yuhon Ng, Clint Carleton, Karen Rosenfelt, Nate Fredenburg, David Schlesinger, Jaclyn Kenney, K. Emily Levine, Doug Hardwick, Jeffery J. Tufano, Michael Applebaum, Brown Cooper, Sean M. Harding, Sean Oxenbury, Earl Woods, John Trapman, Nicholas Davidoff, David Crone, Andrew Cooper, Doane Gregory, Bob Bates, Christopher M. Fisher, Bryan Delorenzo, Timothy James Kane, Peter D. Roome, Kevin McCloy, Ted Sapp, Tom Gibbons, Earl Paraszczynec, Charles Rose, Joel Sevilla, Mikaël Damant-Sirois, Ahmed Shehata, Michael Cliett, Scott Singer, Leslie Adkins-Garza, Andrew G. Cox, Donn Kennedy, Ronald B. Moore, Suzanne Murarik, Yimi Tong, Blaise Panfalone, Niketa Roman, Cassy Vasile, Brad Minnich, Kosta Saric, Josh Sutherland, Mark Edward Wright, Steve McLeod, Brandon Terry, Michael Cavanaugh, Karen M. Murphy, Robin Griffin, Ryan Robertson, Sean Cossey, J.J. Ogilvy, Pamela Pearl, Alison Fraser, Stacy Caballero, Dan Bronson, Paul Becker, Jessica Lichtner, Adam Milo Smalley, Alexandra Patsavas, Sonny Kompanek, Robert Ulrich, Stephanie Flack, Gary A. Hecker, Gary Marullo, Dane A. Davis, David A. Whittaker, Tony Lamberti, Michael Minkler, Matthew W. Kielkopf, Dane A. Davis, Beatrice De Alba, Bonnie Clevering, Susan Germaine, Forest Sala, Jean Ann Black, Stacey Panepinto, Rolf John Keppler, Amanda McGowan, Bob Kretschmer, Vanessa Galvez, Jason Dale, Jeremy Stanbridge, Rochelle Okoye, Phil Tippett, Ainslie Thomas, Karin Silvestri, Elizabeth Davidovich, Zandara Kennedy, Jacob Kabel, Shawn Kautz, Bevin Kaye, Brian Ho, Adrian Hein, Brian Hite, Brian Imada, Jake Huang, Lani Gelera, Adam Hart, Christopher Gordon, Jayson Dumenigo, Kofi Elam, Richard Cetrone, Mike Carpenter, Kimberly Chiang, Garvin Cross, Stacey Carino, Shawn Beaton, Stanton Barrett, Freddy Bouciegues, Jay Amor, Ed Anders, Byron Brisco, Jessika Brodosi, Chris Brewster, Fraser Corbett, Anis Cheurfa, Holland Diaz, Paul Darnell, Roel Failma, Dawn Dininger, Caroline Field, Christian J. Fletcher, Jeff Galpin, Kiralee Hayashi, Kory Grim, Leif Havdale, Guillermo Grispo, Jon Kralt, Sam Looc, Michael Li, Brian Lydiatt, Phillip Mitchell, Anthony David Moyer, Atlin Mitchell, David Mueller, Josh Mueller, Hugh Aodh O'Brien, Gabriel Nunez, Louis Paquette, Bridgett Riley, Dan Pelchat, Matthew Rugetti, James Ryan, William Scharpf, Patrick Sabongui, Todd Scott, Matt Thompson, Luke Sexton, Aaron Toney, Travis Wong, Steve Upton, Jon Valera, Sonnie Trotter, Kye Walstrom, Kofi Yiadom, Samantha Win, Eli Zagoudakis, John Zimmerman, John Mann, Rick Newsome, Marny Eng, Mike Szakmeister, Mike Szakmeister, Michael Sabo, Nevin Swain, Roger Vernon, John Bruno, Bill Bannerman, Marty Bowen, Barbara Kelly, Greg Mooradian, Mark Morgan, Guy Oseary, Jerad Marantz, Q Fortier, Jason Sweers,
What is the budget of the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is made with the budget of $ 120,000,000.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Hit or Flop?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 829,747,654.
Where to watch the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie can be watched on Not available on OTT right now..