Animation, Mystery, Science Fiction, Action
BUDGET - $ 15,000,000
The Movie Watchmen: Chapter II falls under the Animation, Mystery, Science Fiction, Action genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Brandon Vietti, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.
The Movie Watchmen: Chapter II is being produce with the collaboration of the studio Warner Bros. Animation, DC Entertainment, Paramount Pictures,
Watchmen: Chapter II was released on 2024-11-25 and the total runtime of the Movie is going to be 89 minutes and the status of the Movie is Released.
The Movie Watchmen: Chapter II was released on 2024-11-25, and has a total runtime of 89 minutes. The Movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Animation, Mystery, Science Fiction, Action, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Brandon Vietti, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Watchmen: Chapter II Movie can be watched at Amazon Prime Video.
Title | Description |
Movie Name | Watchmen: Chapter II |
Offical Language | English |
Release Date | 2024-11-25 |
Release Status | Released |
OTT Platform | Amazon Prime Video |
OTT Release Date | No information available on OTT Release date. |
Hit or Flop | Hit |
Director | Brandon Vietti |
Producer | Not Available, |
Writer | Brandon Vietti, Sam Register, Dave Gibbons, J. Michael Straczynski, Brandon Vietti, Dave Gibbons, Lloyd Levin, James Krieg, Cindy Rago, Lawrence Gordon, Jamie Thomason, Cris Mertens, Jonathan Hoekstra, Justin Dobies, Brandon Vietti, Vinton Heuck, Christopher G. Collins, Dougg Williams, Wendy Huynh, Jason Amodeo, Daniel Nix, Cherise Punzalan, Dusty Abell, Adam Dix, Garrett Lang, John Hillin, Ian Dorian, Emily Sasaki, Meg Takata, Rick Morales, Mikael Javaid-Camua, Keynes Carden, Jonard Soriano, Danica Dickison, Sam Liu, Tom De Rosier, Christopher Berkeley, Jeff Allen, Sebastian Montes, Sung Shin, Devon Bowman, Paul Menichini, Darren Griffiths, Jason DeMarco, Peter Girardi, Frewin Hu, William Meany, Bryan Zhuang, Michael Baillie, Jean Kang, Matt Peters, Amber Avara, Noah Rieke, Brett Hardin, Jason Plapp, Timothy N. Ryan, Matthew Girardi, Brenna Kraus, Brenna Kraus, Emily Kieber, Emily Kieber, Adrienne Steinbaum, Adrienne Steinbaum, Greg Emerson, Kip Brown, Rebecca Sands Coutts, Marissa Llano, Kenzie Bates, Charlie Carpenter, Jeff O. Collins, Wilson Martinez, Mark A. Keatts, Mark A. Keatts, David M. Cowan, David M. Cowan, Kelly Ann Foley, Kelly Ann Foley, Michael Garcia, Michael Garcia, Paul Menichini, George Peters, Kimberly Bowman, Oliver Abbott, Sanaa Kelley, Matt Salib, Jordan McClain, Harrison T. Barth, Michele Beeson, Gabriel Gianola, Karina Benesh, Sarah Noonan, Agnes Kim, Liz Carroll, Maria Millage, Athena Wingate, June Baumgart, Shanon Muir, Iman Wilson, Leslie Chinchilla, Denise Martinez, Ari Taitz, Valentina Zaldana, Bobbie Page, Ed Adams, Tim Kelly, Alan Moore, J. Michael Straczynski, |
Budget | $ 15,000,000 |
Collection / Revenue | $ 35,000,000 |
Country | United States of America |
Production Companyies | Watchmen: Chapter II Warner Bros. Animation, DC Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, |
Movie Genre | Animation, Mystery, Science Fiction, Action |
Suspicious of the events affecting their former colleagues, Nite Owl and Silk Spectre are pulled out of retirement to investigate. As they confront personal ethics, inner demons, and a society that has turned against them, they race against time to uncover a growing conspiracy that could spark a global nuclear war.\r\n
Watchmen: Chapter II Movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Troy Baker, Adrienne Barbeau, Michael Cerveris, Zehra Fazal, Phil Fondacaro and it was directed by Brandon Vietti and produce by Not Available, it has a rating of 7.6 / 10 with total votes count to 54 and it is a Hit Movie.
Watchmen: Chapter II was co - produce by the studio Warner Bros. Animation, DC Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, and produce by Not Available, , with a budget of $ 15,000,000 and a total collection of $ 35,000,000 and it is a Hit Movie.
Watchmen: Chapter II has a budget of $ 15,000,000 and a total collection of $ 35,000,000 and it was co - produce by the studio Warner Bros. Animation, DC Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, conclusion, A continuation of the animated adaptation of Watchmen, Chapter II delves deeper into the complex world of superheroes and moral dilemmas. Staying true to the graphic novel\'s tone, it continues to explore themes of power, responsibility, and justice. It premiered on OTT in 2009.
Who is the director of the Watchmen: Chapter II Movie?
Watchmen: Chapter II was directrd by Brandon Vietti.
Who is the producer of the Watchmen: Chapter II Movie?
Watchmen: Chapter II was directrd by Not Available, .
What is the genre of the Watchmen: Chapter II Movie?
Watchmen: Chapter II falls into the genre of Animation, Mystery, Science Fiction, Action .
What is the release date of the Watchmen: Chapter II Movie?
Watchmen: Chapter II was released on 2024-11-25.
What is the running time or duration of the Watchmen: Chapter II Movie?
Watchmen: Chapter II has a running time of 89 minutes.
Who wrote Watchmen: Chapter II Movie?
Watchmen: Chapter II is written by Brandon Vietti, Sam Register, Dave Gibbons, J. Michael Straczynski, Brandon Vietti, Dave Gibbons, Lloyd Levin, James Krieg, Cindy Rago, Lawrence Gordon, Jamie Thomason, Cris Mertens, Jonathan Hoekstra, Justin Dobies, Brandon Vietti, Vinton Heuck, Christopher G. Collins, Dougg Williams, Wendy Huynh, Jason Amodeo, Daniel Nix, Cherise Punzalan, Dusty Abell, Adam Dix, Garrett Lang, John Hillin, Ian Dorian, Emily Sasaki, Meg Takata, Rick Morales, Mikael Javaid-Camua, Keynes Carden, Jonard Soriano, Danica Dickison, Sam Liu, Tom De Rosier, Christopher Berkeley, Jeff Allen, Sebastian Montes, Sung Shin, Devon Bowman, Paul Menichini, Darren Griffiths, Jason DeMarco, Peter Girardi, Frewin Hu, William Meany, Bryan Zhuang, Michael Baillie, Jean Kang, Matt Peters, Amber Avara, Noah Rieke, Brett Hardin, Jason Plapp, Timothy N. Ryan, Matthew Girardi, Brenna Kraus, Brenna Kraus, Emily Kieber, Emily Kieber, Adrienne Steinbaum, Adrienne Steinbaum, Greg Emerson, Kip Brown, Rebecca Sands Coutts, Marissa Llano, Kenzie Bates, Charlie Carpenter, Jeff O. Collins, Wilson Martinez, Mark A. Keatts, Mark A. Keatts, David M. Cowan, David M. Cowan, Kelly Ann Foley, Kelly Ann Foley, Michael Garcia, Michael Garcia, Paul Menichini, George Peters, Kimberly Bowman, Oliver Abbott, Sanaa Kelley, Matt Salib, Jordan McClain, Harrison T. Barth, Michele Beeson, Gabriel Gianola, Karina Benesh, Sarah Noonan, Agnes Kim, Liz Carroll, Maria Millage, Athena Wingate, June Baumgart, Shanon Muir, Iman Wilson, Leslie Chinchilla, Denise Martinez, Ari Taitz, Valentina Zaldana, Bobbie Page, Ed Adams, Tim Kelly, Alan Moore, J. Michael Straczynski,
What is the budget of the Watchmen: Chapter II Movie?
Watchmen: Chapter II is made with the budget of $ 15,000,000.
Watchmen: Chapter II Hit or Flop?
Watchmen: Chapter II was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 35,000,000.
Where to watch the Watchmen: Chapter II Movie?
Watchmen: Chapter II Movie can be watched on Amazon Prime Video.