The Movie Your Name. falls under the Animation, Romance, Drama genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Makoto Shinkai, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.
The Movie Your Name. is being produce with the collaboration of the studio CoMix Wave Films, TOHO, KADOKAWA, jeki, AMUSE, voque ting, Lawson Entertainment,
Your Name. was released on 2016-08-26 and the total runtime of the Movie is going to be 106 minutes and the status of the Movie is Released.
The Movie Your Name. was released on 2016-08-26, and has a total runtime of 106 minutes. The Movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Animation, Romance, Drama, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Makoto Shinkai, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Your Name. Movie can be watched at Amazon Prime Video.
Title | Description |
Movie Name | Your Name. |
Offical Language | Japanese |
Release Date | 2016-08-26 |
Release Status | Released |
OTT Platform | Amazon Prime Video |
OTT Release Date | No information available on OTT Release date. |
Hit or Flop | Hit |
Director | Makoto Shinkai |
Producer | Not Available, |
Writer | 善木準二, 弓矢政法, 坂本健, 畠中達郎, 井上伸一郎, 小山知子, 侯荻, 松田大介, Mateusz Urbanowicz, 四宮義俊, 箕輪博子, 三木陽子, 李周美, 津田涼介, 野田洋次郎, 野田洋次郎, 野田洋次郎, 荒木裕, 新海誠, 八木昌彦, 新海誠, 高橋武之, 藤田賢治, 岩井和也, 山田陽, 川村元気, 深澤恵梨香, 安藤雅司, 黄瀬和哉, 八巻大樹, 増田悟司, 田中将賀, 土屋堅一, 新海誠, 新海誠, 馬島亮子, 井上鋭, 渡邉丞, 廣田俊輔, 金貞陽一郎, 桑原彰, 安藤雅司, 森川永子, 武井克弘, 武田祐介, 山口智史, 伊藤耕一郎, 古澤佳寛, 三木陽子, 竹内良貴, 丹治匠, 大田圭二, 植田祐, 岡村慎治, 岩﨑友佳, Leow Lee-won, 村山二朗, 髙根英一郎, 遠藤陽平, 吉信慶太, 堀雄太, 櫻井隆仁, 富岡隆大, 牧野奈津子, 田中将賀, 滝本祥子, 岩崎たいすけ, 谷口淳一郎, 大舘康二, 錦織敦史, 落合瞳, 松田大介, 土屋康次, 圓次美和, Gang Nam-e, 滝口比呂志, 宋守貞, 五反孝幸, 堀内菜央, 星川麻美, 橋本侑香里, 井上鋭, 田殷珠, 鴨井さつき, 金美正, 古川尚哉, 原田裕作, 江藤慎一郎, 千葉涼香, 皆川真紀, 金子哲, 宮原眞, 藤原道乃, 福田友理恵, 池田優華, 岸野美智, 岸下真紀, 吉野耕平, 江上怜, 青木優佳, 井浦祥子, 加藤綾乃, 加藤笑子, 小山真和, 室岡侑奈, 相澤里佳, 安榮愛, 加藤友美, 安藤のぞみ, 김철규, 近藤直登, 衛藤直毅, 福澤瞳, 蘒原絢子, 橋本敬史, 入江千尋, 石島朋佳, 上遠野祥子, 安藤佳奈恵, Han Myung-sun, 椎葉ひかる, 河合完治, 廣田俊輔, 岩崎静夏, 田中英里那, 崔秀庚, 福田さちこ, 橋本千春, 中平香織, 沖浦啓之, 斎藤直子, 島田美菜子, 岡淑子, 後藤俊彦, 濱洲英喜, 金玟廷, 小林直樹, 小栁寿志, 黒澤成江, 松田悠樹, 及川眞由美, 佐藤博美, 下妻日紗子, 瀧野薫, 丸山香, 宮原奈緒子, 室岡侑奈, 永延春樹, 長澤順子, 辛賢貞, 武田仁基, 増永純一, 畑中章行, 岩崎たいすけ, 賀川愛, 金煕貞, 松浦友紀, 森脇弘史, 中島健太, 西口早智子, 玉木千春, 都丸陽子, 牛山裕美, 李寶藍, 松村祐香, 水野良亮, 森川みず穂, 奥野治男, 斉藤あや子, 鈴木咲絵, 増山修, 大橋実, 高橋聖美, 田中将賀, 田澤潮, 土屋堅一, 塚田和也, Mateusz Urbanowicz, 南龍介, 中野夏帆, 太田衣美, 竹縄利名, 利根川友紀, 飯島理恵, 泉谷かおり, 春日広子, 小原まりこ, 松本憲生, 松永絵美, Oh Jin-hee, 中原あゆみ, 大枝優斗, 田村貴子, 河原奈緒子, 小西紗希, 李裕瓊, 李硏珠, 妹尾想, 倉田咲, 中村瑛利子, 西村貴世, 沼田千晶, 朴ユリ, 渡辺裕二, 山崎あかね, 早川恵美, 稲村武志, 鄭惠羅, 木下晋輔, 黒瀬友哉, 權美羅, 小畑嶺二, 戸澤有紀, 山本早苗, 河野紅美子, 村瀨瞳美, 里見篤, 昔瑛淑, 末冨慎治, 田中英里那, 浅井恵衣, 長谷川卓也, 新海誠, 千葉崇洋, 比嘉あきの, 本間晃, 角美智子, 金銀姬, 小松亜理沙, 中村悟, 中右智博, 大田薫, 斉藤未来, 佐藤はじめ, 廣澤晃, 本田敏恵, 石倉璃久, 角下瑞絵, 姜喜京, 木下美佳, 馬島亮子, 文聖惠, 西田みのり, 佐藤恭子, 高谷知恵, 丹治匠, 權五淑, 松本吉勝, 松尾真理子, 野口幸恵, 島田美菜子, 杉山智恵, 内海太輔, 浦大器, 渡邊絵梨, 渡邉丞, 竹内旭, 竹内一義, 田中将賀, 田中悠詩, 土屋亮介, 上田瑞香, 水谷真理, 申国真, 四宮義俊, 高士亜衣, 渡辺郁也, 横瀬貴幸, 小川輝, Tom Lord-Alge, 末繁明佳, 田中敦子, 龍輪直征, 若井あゆ, 友澤優帆, 宇佐美レオナルド健, 澤本哲朗, 徳澤青弦, 山口一樹, 成川沙世子, 四宮義俊, 川口典孝, 居村健治, 市川南, 大口星子, 木曽 由香里, 酒井雄一, 有馬加奈子, 李珍姬, 新海誠, 林佑樹, 新海誠, |
Budget | $ 55,000,000 |
Collection / Revenue | $ 358,000,000 |
Country | Japan |
Production Companyies | Your Name. CoMix Wave Films, TOHO, KADOKAWA, jeki, AMUSE, voque ting, Lawson Entertainment, |
Movie Genre | Animation, Romance, Drama |
*Your Name* follows the lives of Mitsuha and Taki, two high schoolers who lead completely separate lives until one night, they mysteriously switch bodies. Mitsuha, a girl from a rural town, wakes up in Taki\'s body, a boy living in Tokyo, and vice versa. This strange phenomenon occurs randomly, and the two must learn to navigate each other\'s lives, adjusting to their new realities while communicating through notes and messages. As they grow closer, they form a bond, but soon, an unexpected twist threatens to separate them forever, leading them on a journey to reconnect across time and space.
Your Name. Movie with the cast that he has like the name of , Ryunosuke Kamiki, Mone Kamishiraishi, Ryo Narita, Aoi Yuki, Nobunaga Shimazaki and it was directed by Makoto Shinkai and produce by Not Available, it has a rating of 8.5 / 10 with total votes count to 11431 and it is a Hit Movie.
Your Name. was co - produce by the studio CoMix Wave Films, TOHO, KADOKAWA, jeki, AMUSE, voque ting, Lawson Entertainment, and produce by Not Available, , with a budget of $ 55,000,000 and a total collection of $ 358,000,000 and it is a Hit Movie.
Your Name. has a budget of $ 55,000,000 and a total collection of $ 358,000,000 and it was co - produce by the studio CoMix Wave Films, TOHO, KADOKAWA, jeki, AMUSE, voque ting, Lawson Entertainment, conclusion, **Your Name.** (2016), directed by Makoto Shinkai, is a visually stunning Japanese animated film about two high school students, Mitsuha and Taki, who mysteriously swap bodies. Mitsuha, living in a rural town, and Taki, a boy from Tokyo, are complete strangers but begin to navigate each other\'s lives after this strange phenomenon occurs. As they try to understand their bond, they develop a deep connection despite never meeting in person. The story explores themes of love, fate, and time, with a twist that intertwines their lives in unexpected ways. *Your Name.* became a worldwide hit for its beautiful animation, emotional depth, and captivating storyline.
Who is the director of the Your Name. Movie?
Your Name. was directrd by Makoto Shinkai.
Who is the producer of the Your Name. Movie?
Your Name. was directrd by Not Available, .
What is the genre of the Your Name. Movie?
Your Name. falls into the genre of Animation, Romance, Drama .
What is the release date of the Your Name. Movie?
Your Name. was released on 2016-08-26.
What is the running time or duration of the Your Name. Movie?
Your Name. has a running time of 106 minutes.
Who wrote Your Name. Movie?
Your Name. is written by 善木準二, 弓矢政法, 坂本健, 畠中達郎, 井上伸一郎, 小山知子, 侯荻, 松田大介, Mateusz Urbanowicz, 四宮義俊, 箕輪博子, 三木陽子, 李周美, 津田涼介, 野田洋次郎, 野田洋次郎, 野田洋次郎, 荒木裕, 新海誠, 八木昌彦, 新海誠, 高橋武之, 藤田賢治, 岩井和也, 山田陽, 川村元気, 深澤恵梨香, 安藤雅司, 黄瀬和哉, 八巻大樹, 増田悟司, 田中将賀, 土屋堅一, 新海誠, 新海誠, 馬島亮子, 井上鋭, 渡邉丞, 廣田俊輔, 金貞陽一郎, 桑原彰, 安藤雅司, 森川永子, 武井克弘, 武田祐介, 山口智史, 伊藤耕一郎, 古澤佳寛, 三木陽子, 竹内良貴, 丹治匠, 大田圭二, 植田祐, 岡村慎治, 岩﨑友佳, Leow Lee-won, 村山二朗, 髙根英一郎, 遠藤陽平, 吉信慶太, 堀雄太, 櫻井隆仁, 富岡隆大, 牧野奈津子, 田中将賀, 滝本祥子, 岩崎たいすけ, 谷口淳一郎, 大舘康二, 錦織敦史, 落合瞳, 松田大介, 土屋康次, 圓次美和, Gang Nam-e, 滝口比呂志, 宋守貞, 五反孝幸, 堀内菜央, 星川麻美, 橋本侑香里, 井上鋭, 田殷珠, 鴨井さつき, 金美正, 古川尚哉, 原田裕作, 江藤慎一郎, 千葉涼香, 皆川真紀, 金子哲, 宮原眞, 藤原道乃, 福田友理恵, 池田優華, 岸野美智, 岸下真紀, 吉野耕平, 江上怜, 青木優佳, 井浦祥子, 加藤綾乃, 加藤笑子, 小山真和, 室岡侑奈, 相澤里佳, 安榮愛, 加藤友美, 安藤のぞみ, 김철규, 近藤直登, 衛藤直毅, 福澤瞳, 蘒原絢子, 橋本敬史, 入江千尋, 石島朋佳, 上遠野祥子, 安藤佳奈恵, Han Myung-sun, 椎葉ひかる, 河合完治, 廣田俊輔, 岩崎静夏, 田中英里那, 崔秀庚, 福田さちこ, 橋本千春, 中平香織, 沖浦啓之, 斎藤直子, 島田美菜子, 岡淑子, 後藤俊彦, 濱洲英喜, 金玟廷, 小林直樹, 小栁寿志, 黒澤成江, 松田悠樹, 及川眞由美, 佐藤博美, 下妻日紗子, 瀧野薫, 丸山香, 宮原奈緒子, 室岡侑奈, 永延春樹, 長澤順子, 辛賢貞, 武田仁基, 増永純一, 畑中章行, 岩崎たいすけ, 賀川愛, 金煕貞, 松浦友紀, 森脇弘史, 中島健太, 西口早智子, 玉木千春, 都丸陽子, 牛山裕美, 李寶藍, 松村祐香, 水野良亮, 森川みず穂, 奥野治男, 斉藤あや子, 鈴木咲絵, 増山修, 大橋実, 高橋聖美, 田中将賀, 田澤潮, 土屋堅一, 塚田和也, Mateusz Urbanowicz, 南龍介, 中野夏帆, 太田衣美, 竹縄利名, 利根川友紀, 飯島理恵, 泉谷かおり, 春日広子, 小原まりこ, 松本憲生, 松永絵美, Oh Jin-hee, 中原あゆみ, 大枝優斗, 田村貴子, 河原奈緒子, 小西紗希, 李裕瓊, 李硏珠, 妹尾想, 倉田咲, 中村瑛利子, 西村貴世, 沼田千晶, 朴ユリ, 渡辺裕二, 山崎あかね, 早川恵美, 稲村武志, 鄭惠羅, 木下晋輔, 黒瀬友哉, 權美羅, 小畑嶺二, 戸澤有紀, 山本早苗, 河野紅美子, 村瀨瞳美, 里見篤, 昔瑛淑, 末冨慎治, 田中英里那, 浅井恵衣, 長谷川卓也, 新海誠, 千葉崇洋, 比嘉あきの, 本間晃, 角美智子, 金銀姬, 小松亜理沙, 中村悟, 中右智博, 大田薫, 斉藤未来, 佐藤はじめ, 廣澤晃, 本田敏恵, 石倉璃久, 角下瑞絵, 姜喜京, 木下美佳, 馬島亮子, 文聖惠, 西田みのり, 佐藤恭子, 高谷知恵, 丹治匠, 權五淑, 松本吉勝, 松尾真理子, 野口幸恵, 島田美菜子, 杉山智恵, 内海太輔, 浦大器, 渡邊絵梨, 渡邉丞, 竹内旭, 竹内一義, 田中将賀, 田中悠詩, 土屋亮介, 上田瑞香, 水谷真理, 申国真, 四宮義俊, 高士亜衣, 渡辺郁也, 横瀬貴幸, 小川輝, Tom Lord-Alge, 末繁明佳, 田中敦子, 龍輪直征, 若井あゆ, 友澤優帆, 宇佐美レオナルド健, 澤本哲朗, 徳澤青弦, 山口一樹, 成川沙世子, 四宮義俊, 川口典孝, 居村健治, 市川南, 大口星子, 木曽 由香里, 酒井雄一, 有馬加奈子, 李珍姬, 新海誠, 林佑樹, 新海誠,
What is the budget of the Your Name. Movie?
Your Name. is made with the budget of $ 55,000,000.
Your Name. Hit or Flop?
Your Name. was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 358,000,000.
Where to watch the Your Name. Movie?
Your Name. Movie can be watched on Amazon Prime Video.